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About Us
Bioinformatics aims to bring the biologists, statisticians and computer scientists together from the point of view of system biology approach to understand the biological phenomenon through innovative applications of statistics and computer science. It entails the creation of advanced databases, algorithms, computational and statistical techniques, and theory to solve formal and practical problems arising from the management and analysis of biological data. The field of Bioinformatics focuses on developing and applying computationally intensive techniques (e.g., pattern recognition, data mining, machine learning algorithms, and visualization) on biological data, which gives the opportunity to quickly and efficiently study heap of genomic information, chemical structure, and functional, structural and evolutionary relatedness of molecular, cell, species and organism. Bioinformatics has already started showing its profound impact on agricultural research and development globally.
Therefore, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) New Delhi has established Centre for Agricultural Bioinformatics (CABin) with a team of multi-disciplinary research professionals as a division at Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi. The mission of this Centre is to provide computational support to biotechnological research in agriculture. Under the aegis of this Centre, a National Agricultural Bioinformatics Grid (NABG) has been established in the country. In this grid, the first supercomputing hub for Indian Agriculture i.e. Advanced Supercomputing Hub for OMICS Knowledge in Agriculture – ASHOKA has been set up. This facility is built in a state-of-art Data Centre and out of nine super-computers of this grid, two super-computers are ranked at 11th and 24th in the list of top super-computers of India by Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore. This facility was dedicated to the Nation by Honourable Union Minister of Agriculture and Food Processing Industries on January 15, 2014.
In order to provide access to this advanced computing facility to researchers, a National Bio-Computing Portal has been launched through which authenticated users will be able to perform their biological data analysis. This portal consists of a number of computational biology and agricultural bioinformatics software/workflow/pipelines, which will be able to automate routine biological analytics in a seamless manner. Also, a Genome Submission Portal is being developed to assist our researchers for the submission of their genomic data sets obtained through experimentations.
- To undertake research, teaching and training in the field of computational biology and agricultural bioinformatics.
Thrust Area
- To undertake research in priority areas of computational biology and agricultural bioinformatics.
- To design, development and implement biological databases and data warehouse.
- To develop human resources in computational biology and agricultural bioinformatics.
- To provide analytical and computational support to research in the field of computational biology and agricultural bioinformatics.
- To create and promote inter-disciplinary research groups with a focus on computational biology and agricultural bioinformatics.
- Institute funded
Sr.No. | Name of the Projects | Project Leader* & Associates |
1 | Methodology for Trait Specific Genes Identification. | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Mohammad Samir Farooqi*, Dr.K.K.Chaturvedi, Dr.D.C.Mishra |
2 | Discovery of novel genes and promoters responsible for salinity tolerance in Haloarcula spp. | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Monendra Grover*, Dr.D.C.Mishra |
3 | Development of web server for phenotype and genotype analysis for cattle breeding management (Inter-Institutional Project in Collaboration with ICAR-CIRC, Meerut). | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.U.B. Angadi*, Dr.Mir Asif Iquebal, Dr.Sarika, Dr. Dinesh Kumar ICAR-CIRC: Dr.Umesh Singh* Sushil Kumar, A.K. Das, T.V. Raja, Rani Alex |
4 | Development of an Improved Hybrid De-novo Whole Genome Assembler. | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.S.B.Lal*, Dr.Anu Sharma , Sanjeev Kumar, NeerajBudhlakoti, Dr.D.C. Mishra |
5 | Machine Learning Approach for Binning of Metagenomics Data. | ICAR-IASRI: Dr Anu Sharma, D. C. Mishra, S.B. Lal, Sanjeev Kumar |
- Externally funded
Sr.No | Name of the Projects | Funding Agency | Project Leader* & Associates |
1 | Genomics assisted crop improvement and management. | World Bank Funded (Centre of Advanced Agricultural science & Technology(CAAST) Project Under National Agricultural Higher Education Project(NAHEP) | ICAR-IASRI: Dr. A.R. Rao*, Dr.Sudeep, Seema Jaggi, AninditaDatta, Soumen Pal, Sanjeev Kumar ICAR-IARI:Dr. Viswanathan Chinnusamy |
2 | Creating a fully Characterized Genetic Resource Pipeline for Mustard Improvement programme in India. | National Agricultural Science Funded , New Delhi | ICAR-IARI: Dr. A.R. Rao*, Dr. D.K. Yadav, Dr.Cini Varghese, Dr.P.K.Meher GBPUAT Pantnagar: Ram Bhajan* ICAR-PAU Ludhiyana: S.S. Banga* |
3 | Phenomics of Moisture Deficit Stress Tolerance and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rice and Wheat – Phase II. | National Agricultural Science Funded , New Delhi | ICAR-IARI: Viswanathan Chinnusamy* ICAR-IASRI: Dr. Anil Rai*, Dr.A.R.Rao, Sanjeev, Dr.Anu Sharma, Dr.Sudeep IIT New Delhi: BrejeshLall* ICAR-N.R.R.I.: Cuttack Padmini Swain* |
4 | Potential gene mining from salt tolerant grasses for improvement of salt tolerance in crops. | National Agricultural Science Funded(NASF) , New Delhi | ICAR-CSSRI:Dr. Anita Mann*, Ashwani Kumar, Arvind Kumar, B. L. Meena ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Monendra Grover*, Dr.D.C.Mishra |
5 | Genome and transcriptome sequencing of coriander (Coriandrumsativum) to reveal insight of its genomic architecture and breeding targets. | GSBM | JAU-Junagadh: R.S. Tomar* , M. V. Parakhia, Shradda B. Bhatt ICAR-IASRI: Dr.M.A.Iquebal*, Dr.Sarika |
6 | Molecular markers for improving reproduction of cattle and buffaloes . | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) | ICAR-NDRI: T.K. Datta* ICAR-CIRB:VarijNayan* ICAR-IASRI: Dr. Dinesh Kumar*, Dr. M.A. Iquebal*, Dr.Sarika |
7 | Molecular characterization, development of molecular markers and metabolite analysis of Tree bean (Parkiaroxburghii) landraces of North-East India [BT/PR24912/NER/95/904/2017] . | DBT | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.M.A.Iquebal*, Dr.Sarika ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region (Gangtok Sikkim Centre): Sudip Kumar Dutta*, RatankumarAkoijam, VishambharDayal UBKB West Bengal: Somnath Mandal, NanditaSahana |
8 | ICAR Consortium Research Platform on Genomics project entitled “Computational and Analytical Solutions for High-throughput Biological Data”- ICAR-IARI, New Delhi . | ICAR Consortium Research Platform on Genomics | ICAR-IASRI:Dr.Anil Rai*, Dr.A.R.Rao, Dr.Dinesh Kumar, Dr.D.C.Mishra, Sanjeev Kumar, Dr.K.K.Chaturvedi, Dr.Monendra Grover ICAR-NBFGR: Vindhya Mohindra |
9 | Improving the usability of buffalo spermatozoa by sperm surface remodeling and immune acceptance in female reproductive tract. | National Agricultural Science Funded(NASF) | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Sarika,* Dr.M.A.Iquebal, Dr.Dinesh Kumar ICAR-NDRI: T.K. Datta*, Rakesh Kumar, S.M. Deb, T.K. Mohanty, J.K. Kaushik |
10 | Characterization, Evaluation, Genetic Enhancement and Generation of Genomic Resources for Accelerated Utilization and Improvement of Minor Pulses . | DBT Funded | ICAR-IASRI: Sanjeev Kumar, Dr.Anu Sharma |
11 | ICAR Network Project on Functional Genomics and Genetic Modification (Earlier ICAR Network Project on Transgenic in Crops-II. | ICAR-NRCPB-Sub-Scheme | ICAR-IASRI:Dr. M.A. Iquebal*, Dr.Sarika, Dr.Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Anil Rai ICAR-NRCPB: N.K. Singh* |
12 | Integrated sample survey solution for major livestock products. | ICAR | ICAR-IASRI:Dr. Prachi Mishra sahu*, Dr. S.B Lal, Dr. Anil Rai |
13 | Centre for Agricultural Bioinformatics (CABin) Scheme: Network Project on Agricultural Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. | ICAR | ICAR-IASRI:Dr. Anil Rai* |
Sub Project Under Centre for Agricultural Bioinformatics(CABin)Scheme | |||
13.I. | Computational and experimental biology approaches for delineation of selected secondary metabolite pathways and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in major spices (In collaboration with ICAR-IISR, Kozhikode) . | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.U.B. Angadi*, Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Dr.M.A.Iquebal, Dr.Sarika ICAR-IISR: Johnson K. Greorge, P. Umadevi, T.E. Sheeja, R. Praveena, P.Umadevi, R. Sivaranjani |
13.II | Genomic data analysis to elucidate the regulatory network and candidate genes underlying cytoplasmic male sterility in pigeonpea (In collaboration with ICAR-IIPR,Kanpur) . | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.M.A.Iquebal*, Dr.Dinesh Kumar, Dr.Sarika, Dr.U.B.Angadi ICAR-IIPR: Abhishek Bohra* |
13.III. | Computational approach for genomic resource improvement and precision phenotyping of less explored yield traits in wheat (In collaboration with ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal). | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Dinesh Kumar*,Dr.M. A. Iquebal, Dr.Sarika,Dr.U. B. Angadi ICAR-IIWBR: Ratan Tiwari, Pradeep Sharma, Rajender Singh, Sonia Sheoran |
13.IV. | Deciphering genetic variation in the carbohydrate metabolism of farmed rohu families. (In collaboration with ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneshwar). | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Sarika*, Dr.J.K. Sundaray*, Dr.Dinesh Kumar, Dr. M.A. Iquebal, Dr.U.B.Angad ICAR-CIFA: J.K. Sundaray, S. Nandi, K.D. Mahapatra, P.K. Meher, L. Sahoo, Kiran D. Rasal, KhuntiaMurmu, U.K. Udit, A.R. Rasal |
13.V. | Identification of genetic polymorphisms for pathogenicity in Vibrio sp. (In collaboration with ICAR-CIBA, Chennai). | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.M. Grover* |
13.VI. | Identification of defence genes/QTLs associated with rust resistance in wheat (In collaboration with ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi). | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Monendra Grover*, Dr.Sundeep Kumar, Dr.D.C.Mishra, Mr. NeerajBadhlakoti, ICAR-NBPGR: Sundeep Kumar*, Amit Singh |
13.VII. | Computational biology approach for deciphering transcriptome and proteomic changes in rice-microbial interaction system. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Sanjeev Kumar*, Dr.K.K. Chaturvedi, Dr.M.S.Farooqi ICAR-NBAIM: D.P. Singh* |
13.VIII. | Exploring the Epigenetic Control of Heat Stress Responses in Wheat for Characterizing the Regulatory Networks Associated with Thermotolerance. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.D.C.Mishra*, Dr.Monendra Grover, Sanjeev Kumar, Dr.K.K. Chaturvedi ICAR-IARI: Dr.C. Viswanathan* , R.R. Kumar*, SunehaGoswami |
13.IX. | RiceMetaSys: Understanding of Rice Gene Network for Biotic and Abiotic Stress Management through System Biology Approach. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-NRCPB: Dr. Amol Kumar*, Dr.U.Solanke*, Amitha S.V. Mithra Dr.Dwijesh Chandra Mishra , Dr.K.K.Chaturvedi |
13.X. | Transcriptome analysis to decipher mechanism related to distinctive morphological phenotypes in indigenous poultry. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-NBAGR: Dr.R.K.Vij* ICAR-IASRI: Dr.A.R. Rao* |
13.XI. | Structural and functional genomics of potato and its pest / pathogen using bioinformatics approaches. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.A.R. Rao*, Sanjeev Kumar, Dr.D.C. Mishra, NeerajBudhlakoti ICAR-CPRI: Dr.ShashiRawat* |
13.XII. | Studying drought-responsive genes in subtropical maize germplasm and their utility in development of tolerant maize hybrids. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI:Dr.A.R. Rao*, P.K. Meher ICAR-IARI: Mallikarjuna*, M.G* |
13.XIII. | Metagenomic profiling for assessing microbial biodiversity in River Ganga for ecosystem health monitoring. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.A.R.Rao*, P.K. Meher ICAR-CIFRI: Dr.B.K.Behera* |
13.XIV. | Deciphering health biomarkers and thermo-tolerant traits by computational genomics approach in goats. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-CIRG: Dr.R.S.Pawaiya* ICAR-IASRI: Dr.A.R.Rao |
13.XV. | An integrative transciptomics and DNA methylomics approach to understand the dynamic features of biotic stress responses associated with mastitis in buffalos. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.M.A.Iquebal*, Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Dr.Sarika |
- Institute funded
Sr.No. | Name of the Projects | Project Leader* & Associates |
1 | Development of a Tool for Comparison of Protein 3D Structure using graph theoretic approach. | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.U.B. Angadi*, Dr.K.K. Chaturvedi, Dr.M. Grover, Sudhir Srivastava |
2 | Multilabel functional classification of abiotic stress related proteins in Poaceae. | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.M. Grover*, Dr.U.B. Angadi, Sudhir Srivastava |
3 | Knowledge Data Warehouse for Agricultural Research | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Anil Rai*, Dr. P.K. Malhotra, Seema Jaggi,Dr. K.K. Chaturvedi, PrachiMisraSahoo, Md. Samir Farooqi |
4 | Software for Survey Data Analysis 2.0 | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.S.B. Lal*, Dr.Anu Sharma, V.K. Mahajan |
5 | Development of Gender Information System for Agriculture (Collaboration with Directorate of Research for Women in Agriculture, Bhubneshwar) | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.S.B. Lal*, Dr.Anu Sharma, Dr. Anil Rai ICAR-DRWA, Kernal: H.K. Dash, M. Srinath, Sabita Mishra |
6 | Study of Synonymous Codon Usage and its Relation with Gene Expressivity in Halophilic Bacteria | ICAR-IASRI: Md. Samir Farooqi*, Dr.D.C.Mishra NBAIM, Mau: Dr. D.P. Singh, K.K. Meena |
7 | Web Based Software for Codon Usage Analysis for Gene Expression Identification | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Anu Sharma*, Dr.S.B. Lal, Dr.D.C. Mishra |
8 | Forecasting Models using Functional Data Analysis and Nonlinear Support Vector Regression Techniques | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.M.A. Iquebal*, Prajneshu |
9 | Analysis and Determination of Antimicrobial Peptides: A Machine Learning Approach | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Sarika*, Dr.M.A. Iquebal |
10 | Algorithm for Gene Classification based on Gene Expression Data | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.D.C. Mishra*, Sanjeev Kumar, |
11 | In Silico Identification of Abiotic Stress (salinity) Responsive Transcription Factors and their cis-regulatory elements in Grape | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Sarika* NRC for Grapes, Pune: AnuradhaUpadhyay, Ajay Kumar Upadhyay |
12 | Parallelized Workflows for Gene Prediction, Hylogenetic Analysis and Primer Designing | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.S.B. Lal*, Dr.Anu Sharma, Dr.Sarika |
13 | Methodology for Protein Structure Comparison and its Web Implemantation | ICAR-IASRI: Sudhir Srivastava*, M.N.V. Prasad Gajula (upto 31.03.2014), Dr.D.C. Mishra , Dr.S. B. Lal |
14 | Platform or Integrated Genomics Warehouse | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.K.K.Chaturvedi*, D. C. Mishra, S.B. Lal, M.S. Farooqi, Sanjeev Kumar |
15 | Non Linear Modelling For Genomic Predictions Based on Multiple Traits. | ICAR-IASRI: NeerajBudhlakoti*(till 11.09.2018), Dr.D.C. Mishra* (since 12.09.2018), Dr.S.B.Lal |
- Externally funded
Sr.No. | Name of the Projects | Funding Agency | Project Leader* & Associates |
1 | Development of 16s rDNA rumen microbes specific database. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.U.B. Angadi* NIANP: M. Bagath, AtulKolte |
2 | Refinement of livestock feed resources and development of Database and information system. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: U.B. Angadi* SoumitraJash, S. Anandan |
3 | Genomic data analysis for identification of economically important markers and viral diagnostics in pulses. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI:Dr.Dinesh Kumar, Sarika, U. B. Angadi, M. A. Iquebal IIPR, Kanpur: Abhishek Bohra, Khela Ram Soren, Mohd. Akram, |
4 | Molecular and computational approach to delineate metabolic pathways for better carbohydrate utilization in Labeo spp. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Sarika, Dr.DineshKumar,Dr. M. A. Iquebal,Dr. U. B. Angadi CIFA, Bhubaneshwar: J. K. Sundaray, S. Nandi, P. K. Mehar, L. Sahoo, Kiran D. Rasal, P. Nandanpawar, U. K. Udit, |
5 | Computational approach for harnessing genome information and its integration with wheat phenome for efficient varietal development. | CABin Scheme | IIWBR, Kernal: Ratan Tiwari, Pradeep Sharma, Rajender Singh, ICAR-IASRI: Dinesh Kumar, M. A. Iquebal, Sarika, U. B. Angadi |
6 | Mining and validation of candidate gene markers and screening on antimicrobial peptides of black pepper and small cardamom. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: U. B. Angadi, Dinesh Kumar, M. A. Iquebal, Sarika ICAR-IISR: Johnson George K, P.Umadevi, PI, Saji K.V. Sharon Aravind |
7 | Computational identification and modelling of genetic variation in relation to performance traits in buffaloes. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: D.C. Mishra* , A. R. Rao, K.K. Chaturvedi CIRB: VarijNayan , K P Singh, S S Paul, A Jerome, S Balhara |
8 | Microbial domain research projects on computational aspects. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Sanjeev Kumar , K.K. Chaturvedi, M. S. Farooqi |
9 | RiceMetaSys: Understanding rice gene network for blast resistance and drought tolerance through system biology approach. | CABin Scheme | Amol kumar U. Solanke*,T.R. Sharma, Amitha S.V. Mithra, Ramawatar K.K. Chaturvedi, D. C. Mishra, |
10 | Bioinformatics analysis of sequence data of brinjal and bitter gourd for identification of functional and regulatory genes for traits of economic importance. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Grover, S. B. Lal ICAR-NBPGR: K.V. Bhat, Soma S. Marla, A.B. Gaikwad, S. Archak, D.P. Wankhede, |
11 | Development of database on SNPs associated with economically important traits of Indian goats. | CABin Scheme | CAR-IASRI: A.R.Rao ICAR-CIRG: R.V.S. Pawaiya*, |
12 | Development of database repertoire for Clostridium perfiringens strains prevalent in causing Enterotoxaemia in goats. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: A.R.Rao ICAR-CIRG: R.V.S. Pawaiya |
13 | Metagenomic applications and transcriptomes profiling for inland aquatic environmental health surveillance. | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI:A.R.Rao CIFRI Barrackpore: B.K.Behera |
14 | Gene Regulatory Networks Modelling For Heat Stress Responses of Source and Sink for Development of Climate Smart Wheat . | CABin Scheme | CAR-IASRI: D. C. Mishra, M. Grover, Sanjeev Kumar, K. K. Chaturvedi, ICAR-IARI: SunehaGoswami , G P Singh ,P K Singh, Neelu Jain, Puja Rai |
15 | Exploring Gene Regulatory Networks involved in Heat Stress Responses of Source and Sink for Development of Climate Smart Wheat (In collaboration with ICAR-IARI, New Delhi) | CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.C.V*, Dr.RanjeetR.Kumar, Dr.D.C.Mishra, Dr.Monendra Grover, Dr.K.K.Chaturvedi, |
16 | Modeling Network of Gene Responses to Abiotic Stress in Rice. | National Fund for Basic, Strategic and Frontier Application Research in Agriculture (NFBSFARA), New Delhi. | ICAR-IASRI: Sanjeev Kumar*, Anil Rai, Dinesh Kumar, S.B. Lal, D.C. Mishra, |
17 | Whole Genome sequencing and development of Allied genomic research in two commercially important Fish- Labeorohita and Clariasbatrachus. | Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India | ICAR-IASRI: Dinesh Kumar*, Sarika, M. A. Iquebal, ICAR-NBFGR: N.S. Nagpure, B. Kushwaha, Ravindra Kumar ICAR-CIFA :P. Das, P. Jayasankar, L. Sahoo,Joshi, P.G. Koringa AAU |
18 | Whole genome based SNP mining and development of breed signatures for dairy and dual-purpose indigenous cattle. | Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. | ICAR-IASRI: M. A. Iquebal*, Dinesh Kumar NBAGR: S. K. Dixit, S. Jayakumar ICAR-NDRI: A. K. Dang, Avtar Singh |
19 | ICAR-Network Project on Transgenic in crops (NPTC). | ICAR-Indian Council of Agricultural Research | ICAR-IASRI: M. A. Iquebal*, Sarika, Dinesh Kumar, Anil Rai |
20 | Elucidating the mechanism of Pashmina fibre development: An OMICS approach. | National Agricultural Science Fund (NASF) | ICAR-IASRI:A.R.Rao, and P.K.Meher NDRI: Nazir A Ganai, |
21 | Transcriptome and proteome analysis for identification of candidate genes responsible for pistillate nature in castor. | Extramural funded under Crop Sciences Division | ICAR-IASRI : M. A. Iquebal |
22 | Risk Asessment and Insurance Products for Agriculture | National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) | ICAR-IASRI: Anil Rai*, P.K. Malhotra, K.K. Chaturvedi, V. Ramasubramanian ICAR-NCAP: P.K. Joshi, B.C. Barah |
23 | Establishment of National Agricultural Bioinformatics Grid in ICAR | National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) | ICAR-IASRI: Dr.Anil Rai*, Dr.DineshKumar,Dr. A.R. Rao,Dr. S.B. Lal,Dr. K.K. Chaturvedi,Dr. AnuSharma,Dr. Md. Samir Farooqi, Seema Jaggi, Hukum Chandra, Sanjeev Kumar, Dr.Sarika,Dr. M.A. Iquebal |
24 | Bioprospecting of Genes and Allele Frequency for Abiotic Stress Tolerance | National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) | ICAR-NRCPB: Dr.N.K. Singh ICAR-IASRI: Dr.A.R. Rao*, Sudeep, S.D. Wahi |
25 | Whole Genome Association (WGA) Analysis in Common Complex Diseases: An Indian Initiative. | DBT- Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India | UDSC, New Delhi: B.K. Thelma NII, New Delhi: Ramesh C. Juyal DU- Delhi: Sanjay Jain AIIMS, New Delhi: Ashok Kumar DMC, Ludhiana: Dr.AjitSood ICAR-IASRI: Dr. A.R. Rao*, S.D. Wahi |
26 | Buffalo Genome Information Resource. | DBT- Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India | ICAR-NDRI, Kerna: Sachinanad De, ICAR-IASRI: Dr.A. R. Rao* |
27 | A New Distributed Computing Framework for Data Mining, | Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India | BITS, Pilani: Navneet Goyal, Poonam Goyal, Sundar B. , BITS, Pilani ICAR-IASRI: Sanjeev Kumar*, Sudhir Srivastava, |
- Insights on genomic diversity of Vibrio spp. through Pan-genome analysis Suganya Nathamuni1 & Ashok Kumar Jangam1 &Vinaya Kumar Katneni1 & Ashok Selvaraj1 &Karthic Krishnan1 &Sujeet Kumar2 &Satheesha Avunje2 &Sivamani Balasubramaniam1 &Monendra Grover3 & Shankar V. Alavandi2 &Vijayan K. Koyadan1.Annals of Microbiology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13213-019-01539-7
- A decade of research in quantum bioinformatics: a quantum computational view of the universe with special reference to living organisms Monendra Grover*, Dwijesh Chandra Mishra ,Ranjeet R. Kumar and Manjeet Kaur International Journal of Current Research Vol. 11, Issue, 10, pp.7769-7770, October, 2019.
- Deepender Kumar, Vinod Chhokar, Sonia Sheoran, Rajender Singh, Pradeep Sharma, Sarika Jaiswal, M. A. Iquebal, AkankshaJaiswar, J. Jaisri, U. B. Angadi, Anil Rai, G. P. Singh, Dinesh Kumar, Ratan Tiwari, Characterization of genetic diversity and population structure in wheat using array based SNP markers, MolBiol Rep (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11033-019-05132-8
- MajumdarSayantiGuha, Rai Anil, Mishra Dwijesh Chandra, (2019). Integrated Framework for Selection of Additive and Nonadditive Genetic Markers for Genomic Selection. Journal of Computational Biology. https://doi.org/10.1089/cmb.2019.0223.
- Meher, P. K., Sahu, T. K., Gahoi, S., Satpathy, S. and Rao, A. R. (2019). Evaluating the performance of sequence encoding schemes and machine learning methods for splice sites recognition. Gene, 705, 113-126.
- Sahu, T. K., Pradhan, D., Rao, A. R. and Jena, L. (2019). In silico site-directed mutagenesis of neutralizing mAb 4C4 and analysis of its interaction with GH loop of VP1 to explore its therapeutic applications against FMD. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 37(10), 2641-2651.
- Bhat, B., Singh, A., Iqbal, Z., Kaushik, J. K., Rao, A. R., Ahmad, S. M., Bhat, H., Ayaz, A., Sheikh, F.D., Kalra, S., Shanaz, S., Mir, M.S., Agarwal, P.K., Mohapatra, T. and Shanaz, S. (2019). Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals the genetic basis of coat color variation in Pashmina goat. Scientific reports, 9(1), 6361.
- Renu, Sanjay Kumar Gupta, Ashutosh Kumar Rai, Khan Mohammad Sarim, Anu Sharma, NeerajBudhlakoti, Devendra Arora, Dhiraj Kumar Verma , DhananjayaP.Singh (2019). Metaproteomic data of maize rhizosphere for deciphering functional diversity. Data in Brief, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2019.104574.
- B. Angadi, K. K. Chaturvedi, S. Srivastava and A. Rai, “A Novel Way of Comparing Protein 3D Structure Using Graph Partitioning Approach,” in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCBB.2019.2938948
- A,PrasadK.V.S.V.,RaviD.,KhanA.A.,Reddy R.,Angadi U.B.,Blümmel M., Embracing whole plant optimization of rice and wheat to meet the growing demand for food and feed, Field Crops Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2019.107634
- Mir Asif Iquebal, Pradeep Sharma, Rahul Singh Jasrotia, Sarika Jaiswal, Amandeep Kaur, Monika Saroha, U. B. Angadi, Sonia Sheoran, Rajender Singh, G. P. Singh, Anil Rai, Ratan Tiwari & Dinesh Kumar, RNAseq analysis reveals drought-responsive molecular pathways with candidate genes and putative molecular markers in root tissue of wheat, Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 13917 (2019) , https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-49915-2
- Ali, Abid, Kumar, Rakesh, Iquebal, Mir Asif, Jaiswal, Sarika, Kumar, Dinesh and khan, Asad (2018). Role of conserved residues in catalytic activity of NDM-1: an approach of site directed mutagenesis and molecular dynamics. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics-a Journal of Royal Society of Chemistry. (https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2019/cp/c9cp02734c/unauth#!divAbstract)
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- Rasal, Kiran D., Iquebal, Mir Asif, Jaiswal, Sarika, Dixit, Sangita, Vasam, Manohar, Nandi, Samiran, Raza, Mustafa, Sahoo, Lakshman, Angadi, UB, Rai, Anil, Kumar, Dinesh, and Sundaray, Jitendra Kumar Sundaray (2019). Liver specific microRNAs identification in farmed carp, Labeobata (Hamilton, 1822) fed with starch diet using high-throughput sequencing. Marine Biotechnology (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10126-019-09912-y)
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- Meher, P.K., Sahu, T.K., Rao, A.R. and Wahi, S.D. (2014). Application of Gibbs sampling methodology for identification of transcription factor binding sites in MADS box family genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Ind. J. Genet., 74(1), 73-80.
- S. Patil and U. B. Angadi (2014) Motif Based Clustering Techniques for Classification of Grass Genome Sequences, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering Volume 5, Issue 1, 2278–4209
- Nigam, D., Kumar Sanjeev, Mishra D. C., Rai Anil, Smita Suchi and Saha Arijit (2014) Synergistic regulatory networks mediated bymicroRNAs and transcription factors under drought, heat and salt stresses in Oryza Sativa spp, Gene, 555 (2015) 127-139.
- Chilana Poonam, Bhati Jyotika, Sharma Anu, Mishra D. C., Rai Anil (2014). “Analysis of Codon Usage Pattern and Prediction of Potentially Highly Expressed Genes in Drosophila”, European Journal of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, 1(4), 144-150.
- Grover Monendra, Mishra Dwijesh, Kumar Rajesh, Trivedi A.K. and Srivastava Sudhir (2014). “Computation, Mathematics or Aesthetic Realism: Revisiting the foundations of modern biology and agriculture”, International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review, Vol 2(8), pg 175-177.
- Sharma, M.S. Farooqi, K.K. Chaturvedi , S.B. Lal, M. Grover, A. Rai and P, Pandey (2014) The Halophile Protein Database, Database, doi: 10.1093/database/bau114
- Grover, D.C. Mishra, R. Kumar, A.K. Trivedi and S. Srivastava (2014) Computation, Mathematics or Aesthetic Realism: Revisiting the foundations of modern biology and agriculture, Int J Curr Res Aca Rev, 2:175-177
- Grover, S. Kumar, R. Kumar and R. Singh (2014) Multi-party Quantum Communication in biological Cells , Intl. J Comp. Sc. Engg., 6:207-208
- Grover and R Kumar (2014) The Importance of Non local Communication with special reference to biological systems , Intl. J Comp. Sc. Engg., 6:217-218
- Grover and R Kumar (2014) The role of Quantum computation in molecular interactions in biological cells , Intl. J Comp. Sc. Engg., 6:219-220
- Grover and R Kumar (2014) Quantum Computation and Intuition in living organisms , Intl. J Comp. Sc. Engg., 6: 209-210
- Lal, S.B. and Varma, S. P. (2014). Identification of Stress Responsible Genomic Sequences using Back Propagation Neural Networks. Manthan. International Research Journal on Scientific Research & Innovation. (In press).
- Samir Farooqi, R K Sanjukta, D C Mishra, D P Singh, Anil Rai, K K Chaturvedi and Naveen Sharma (2014) In silico analysis of synonymous codon usage pattern of Rhizobium etli CFN 42, has been accepted for publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences.
- Chaturvedi, KK, Kapur, PK, Anand, S., Singh, VB. (2014). Predicting the complexity of code changes using entropy based measures. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. 5(2): 155-164. [Springer]
- Behera, B.K., Das, P., Maharana, J., Meena, D.K., Sahu, T.K., Rao, A.R. Chatterjee, S., Mohanty, B.P., Sharma, A.P. (2014). Functional Screening and Molecular Characterization of Halophilic and Halotolerant Bacteria by 16S rRNA Gene Sequence Analysis Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s40011-014-0440-6).
- Behera,B.K., Das, P., Maharana, J., Paria, P., Mandal, S., Meena, D., Sharma, A., Jayarajan, R., Dixit, V., Verma, A., Vellarikkal, S., Scaria, V., Sivasubbu, S., Rao, A.R. and Mohapatra, T. (2014). Draft Genome Sequence of the extremely halophilic Bacterium Halomonas salina sp. Strain CIFRI1 isolated from East Coast of India. Genome Announcements, 3(1): e01321-14., DOI:10.1128/genomeA.01321-14, DOI:10.1128/genomeA.00123-15.
- Meher, P.K., Sahu, T.K., Rao, A.R. and Wahi, S.D. (2014). Determination of window size and identification of suitable method for prediction of donor splice sites in rice (Oryza sativa) genome. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, DOI: 10.1007/s13562-014-0286-2.
- Meher, P.K., Sahu, T.K.,Rao, A.R. and Wahi, S.D. (2014). A statistical approach for 5′ splice site prediction using short sequence motifs and without encoding sequence data. BMC Bioinformatics, 15:362, DOI:10.1186/s12859-014-0362-6.
- Meher, P.K.,Rao, A.R.., Wahi, S.D. and Thelma, B.K. (2014). An approach using random forest methodology for disease risk prediction using imbalanced case-control data in GWAS Current Medicine Research and Practice, 4, 289-294.
- Rao, A.R. Dash, M., Sahu, T.K., Behera, B.K. and Mohapatra, T. (2014). Detection of novel key residues of Mn SOD enzyme and its role in salinity management across species Journal of Genetics Online Resources, 93, e8-e16.
- Rao, A.R. Dash, M., Sahu, T.K., Wahi, S.D., Behera, B.K., Sharma, A.P. and Bhatia, V.K. (2014). Statistical and bio-computational applications in animal sciences . Ind. J. Anim. Sci., 84(5), 475-489.
- Sahu, T.K.,Rao, A.R.., Dora, S., Gupta, S. and Rai, A. (2014). In silico identification of late blight susceptibility genes in Solanum tuberosum . Ind. J. Genet., 74(2), 229-237.
- Sarkar, R.K., Meher, P.K., Wahi, S.D., Mohapatra, T. and Rao, A.R (2014). An approach to the development of a core set of germplasm using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative data. Plant Genetic Resources, Characterization and Utilization; 1-8, DOI:10.1017/S1479262114000732
- Behera, S.K., Paul, A.K., Wahi, S.D., Iquebal, M.A. and Anil Kumar (2014). Estimation of heritability of mastitis disease using moment estimators. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 10 (S1).
- Manju Mary Paul, Anil Rai and Sanjeev Kumar (2014) Classification of cereal proteins related to abiotic stress based on their physicochemical properties using support vector machine. Current Science, Vol. 107, No. 8, 1283-89.
- Jyotika Bhati, Pavan Kumar Chaduvula, Ruchi Rani, Sanjeev Kumar and Anil Rai (2014) In-silico prediction and functional analysis of salt stress responsive genes in Maize (Zea mays). European Journal of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, 1(4):151-157.
- Iquebal M. A., Ansari M. S., Sarika, Dixit S. P., Verma N. K., Aggarwal R.A.K. , Jayakumar S., Rai A. and Kumar D. (2014). Locus minimization in breed prediction using artificial neural network approach, Animal Genetics, 1-5, doi: 10.1111/age.12208.
- Ratna Prabha, Dhananjaya P. Singh, Shailendra K. Gupta, Anil Rai (2014): Whole Genome Phylogeny of Prochlorococcus Marinus Group of Cyanobacteria: Genome Alignment and Overlapping Gene Approach. Interdiscip Sci Comput Life Sci (2014) 6: 1-9, DOI: 10.1007/s12539-013-0024-9
- Lal, S.B., Sharma, Anu, Chandra, Hukum and Rai, Anil (2014). Web Based Sample Selection for Survey Data. J. of Ind. Soc. Of Agric. Statist. Vol. 68(1), 101-108.
- Sandip Kumar Sadhu, Ramasubramanian V., Anil Rai and Adarsh Kumar (2014) Decision Tree Based Models for Classification in Agricultural Ergonomics. Journal of the Society of Statistics, Computers and Applications, Volume 12, Nos. 1&2, 2014 (New Series), pp. 21-33.
- Mrinmoy Ray, Ramasubramanian V., Amrender Kumar and Anil Rai (2014). Application of Time Series Intervention Modelling for Modelling and Forecasting Cotton Yield. Journal of the Society of Statistics, Computers and Applications, Volume 12, Nos. 1&2, 2014 (New Series), pp. 61-70.
- Lal, S.B. and Varma, S. P. (2014). Identification of Abiotic Stress related Cereal Proteins based on their Structural Composition using Back Propagation Networks. Journal of Agroecology and Natural Resource Management (JANRM). Vol 1(4). pp270-274. ISSN:2394-0786. Krishi Sanskriti publication.
- Barat, A., Goel, C., Sahoo, P.K. and Rao, A.R. (2014). Development of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the brain tissue of snowtrout Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray, 1832) (Family Cyprinidae) and its preliminary annotation. Indian J. Fish., 61(2): 118-128.
- Gautam, NK, Singh, N, Iquebal, MA, Singh, M, Akhtar, J, Khan, Z and Ram, B. (2014). Genetic diversity analysis for quantitative traits in lentil (Lens Culinaris Medik.) germplasm. Legume Research, 37 (2), 139-144.
- Iquebal, MA, Prajneshu, Sarika (2014). Nonlinear support vector regression methodology for modelling and prediction: An application. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 68 (3), 369-374.
- Singh, Madan, Burman, R.R., Sharma, J.P., Sangeetha, V. and Iquebal, M.A. (2014). Structural and Functional Mechanism of Mobile Based Agroadvisory Services and Socio-Economic Profile of the Member Farmers. Journal of Community mobilization and Sustainable development, 9(2), 192-199.
- Sanjukta RK, Farooqi MS, Sharma N, Rai N, Mishra DC, Rai A, Singh DP, Chaturvedi KK., (2013) Statistical Analysis of codon usage in extremely halophilic bacterium, Salinibacter ruber DSM 13855, Online J Bioinform., 14(1): 15-31.
- Sarika, Arora, Vasu, Iquebal, M.A., Rai, Anil and Kumar, Dinesh (2013). In silico mining of putative microsatellite markers from whole genome sequence of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and development of first BuffSatDB. BMC Genomics. 14, 43 (19 January, 2013).
- Sarika, Arora, Vasu, Iquebal, M.A., Rai, Anil, and Kumar, Dinesh (2013). PIPEMicroDB: Microsatellite database and primer generation tool for pigeonpea genome. Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation. Vol. 2013, Article ID bas054, doi:10.1093/database/bas054.
- Bajetha, Garima, Bhati, Jyotika, Sarika, Iquebal, M. A., Rai, Anil, Arora, Vasu and Kumar, Dinesh (2013). Analysis and functional annotation of expressed sequence tags of Water Buffalo, Animal Biotechnology. 24 (1), 25-30.
- Bhushan, Gunjan, Mishra, V.K., Iquebal, M.A. and Singh, Y.P. (2013) Effect of genotypes, reproductive developmental stages, and environments on glucosinolates content in rapeseed mustard. Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research, 3(1), 75-82.
- Singh, Braj Bhusan Singh, Supradip Saha, Balraj Singh, Pritam Kalia, Seema Jaggi and Sarika. (2013). Functional quality and antioxidant composition of selected tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L) cultivars grown in northern India. LWT – Food Science and Technology. 50, 139-145.
- Poonam Chilana, Anu Sharma, Vasu Arora, Jyotika Bhati and Anil Rai: Computational Identification and Characterization of Putative miRNAs in Heliothis virescens has been accepted for publication in journal Bioinformation.
- Zhi-LiangHu, Dinesh Kumar & James Reecy (2013) CorrDB: A livestock animal genetic/phenotypic trait correlation database.https://pag.confex.com/pag/xxi/webprogram/Paper6340.html
- Avantika Singh, Garima Vats, Nidhi Chandra, Monendra Grover* (2013) Sumoylation may play an important role in modification of large number of proteins associated with heat stress in plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences (NAAS rating:6), doi:10.1007/s40011-013-0249-8
- Charanjit Kaur, Shweta Nagal, Jyoti Nishad, Ravinder Kumar and Sarika (2013). Evaluating eggplant (Solanum melongena L) genotypes for bioactive properties: A chemometric approach. Food Research International (In press; Available online at http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S096399691300536X)
- Chauhan J S, Singh K H, Mishra D C (2013) “AMMI and bi-plot analyses to identify stable genotypes of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) for oil and seed meal quality characters”, SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 45 (2) 195-202, 2.
- Eldho Varghese, Seema Jaggi and Sarika (2013). Response surface model with neighbor effects and correlated observations. Model Assisted Statistics and Applications, 8(1): 41-49.
- Farooqi Mohammad Samir, Sanjukta Raj kumari, Sharma Naveen, Rai Anil, Mishra Dwijesh Chandra, Singh Dhananjaya P, Chaturvedi K K, Kumar Anil and Panwar Sanjeev (2013) “Statistical and computational methods for detection of synonymous codon usage patterns and gene expression” , International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 9 (1), 303-310.
- Farooqi, M.S., Sanjukta, R.K., Sharma, N., Rai, A., Mishra, D.C., Singh, D.P., Chaturvedi, K.K., Kumar, A., Panwar, S., (2013). Statistical and computational methods for detection of synonymous codon usage patterns and gene expression. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 9(1): 303-310.
- Iquebal MA, Sarika, Dhanda, SK, Arora V, Dixit, SP, Raghava GPS, Rai A and Kumar D (2013). Development of a model webserver for breed identification using microsatellite DNA marker. BMC Genetics 2013, 14:118. (http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2156/14/118/abstract).
- Iquebal MA, Sarika, Arora Vasu, Verma Nidhi, Rai Anil and Kumar Dinesh (2013). First whole genome based microsatellite DNA marker database of tomato for mapping and variety identification. BMC Plant Biology 2013, 13:197. (http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/13/197/abstract).
- Kumar A., Mishra D. C., Rai A., Sharma M.K. and Gajula M.N.V.P. (2013) “In Silico Analysis of Protein-Protein Interaction Between Resistance and Virulance Protein during Leaf Rust Disease in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)”, World Research Journal of Peptide and Protein, 2 (1), 52-58.
- Kumar, V., Singh, K.H., Chaturvedi, K.K., Nanjundan, J. (2013). Design and implementation of web-based database of rapeseed-mustard germplasm using Linux – Apache – MySQL – PHP (LAMP) technology. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(22): 2733-2743.
- Kumar, M., Ahmad, T., Rai, A. and Sahoo, P.M. (2013) Methodology for Construction of Composite Index. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 9(2), 639-647.
- Lal, S.B., Pandey, P.K., Rai, P.K., Rai,A., Sharma, A., Chaturvedi, K.K. (2013). Design and Development of Portal for Biological Database in Agriculture. Bioinformation, 9(11): 588-598.
- Grover, R.Grover, R.Singh, R.Kumar and S.Kumar (2013) Quantum combinatorial model of gene expression. Bioinformation 9(3):141-144
- Samir Farooqi, R. K. Sanjukta, D. C. Mishra, , D. P. Singh, Anil Rai, K K Chaturvedi, Anil Kumar, Sanjeev Panwar and Naveen Sharma, “Statistical and computational methods for detection of synonymous codon usage patterns and gene expression”, International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, Vol.9, No. 1, pp. 303-310, 2013.
- Sarika, Iquebal, M.A., Rai, Anil and Anshika (2013). Support vector machine for prediction of antimicrobial peptides in legumes. International Journal of Agricultural & Statistical Sciences, 9 (2), 717-728.
- Sarika, Jaggi Seema and Sharma VK (2013). First order rotatable designs incorporating neighbor effects. ARS Combinatoria. 112, 145-159.
- Satyavathi, C. T., Sapna, T., Bharadwaj, C., Rao, A.R., Bhat, J and Singh, S.P. (2013). Genetic Diversity Analysis in a Novel Set of Restorer Lines of Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br] Using SSR Markers. Vegetos, 26 (1), 72-82.
- Sharma, Anu, Lal, S. B., Mishra, D. C., Srivastava, Sudhir and Rai, Anil (2013). A web Based Software for Synonymous Codon Usage Indices. International Journal of Information and Computation Technology, Vol. 3 No. 3, 147-152.
- Singh, V.B., Chaturvedi, K.K. (2013). Bug Prediction using Entropy Based Measures. International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining, 2(4):266-291. [Inderscience].
- Singh, VB, Chaturvedi, KK, Khatri, S.K., Kumar, V. (2013). Bug prediction modeling using complexity of code changes. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management. DOI 10.1007/s13198-014-0242-5. [Springer]
- Sundeep Kumar , Prerna Kumari , Uttam Kumar , Monendra Grover, Amit Kumar Singh , Rakesh Singh , R. S. Sengar (2013) Molecular approaches for designing heat tolerant wheat. J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnology, NAAS rating :6.41, DOI 10.1007/s13562-013-0229-3
- Anu Sharma, Amerender Kumar Jha, S. B Lal and Alka Arora (2013). Web Based Software for Back Propagation Neural Networks with Weight Decay Algorithm. Proceedings of the 7th National Conference; INDIACom-2013, Computing For Nation Development, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi, Page 241-246.
- B. Lal and Anu Sharma (2013). Web Based Sample Selection for Survey Data. Proceedings of the 7th National Conference; INDIACom-2013, Computing For Nation Development, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management (BVICAM), New Delhi, Page 251-244.
- Jyotika Bhati, Pavan K Chaduvula, Sanjeev Kumar and Anil Rai: Phylogenetic analysis and secondary structure prediction for drought tolerant Capbinding proteins of plant species. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83 (1): 21–5, 2013
- Chaturvedi, KK, Singh, VB and Khatri, SK (2013). “A study of bug prediction approaches using Mozilla project”. In Proceedings of International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2013) during 29-31 Jan. 2013 held at Amity University, Noida, UP (India). Pg. 350-357. ISBN: 978-93-81583-85-2.
- Sharma, Meera, Chaturvedi, KK and Singh, VB, (2013). “Severity Prediction of Bug Reports in Cross Project Context”. In Proceedings of International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO 2013) during 29-31 Jan. 2013 held at Amity University, Noida, UP (India). pg. 96-102. ISBN: 978-93-81583-85-2.
- Biswas, A., Ahmad, T. and Rai, A. (2013). Variance estimation using Jackknife method in ranked set sampling under finite population framework. Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics,67(3), 345-353.
- Yogita Gharde, Anil Rai and Seema Jaggi (2013) Bayesian Prediction in Spatial Small Area Models. Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 67(3), 355-362.
- Goyal, P., Chattopadhyay, C., Mathur, A.P., Kumar, A., Meena, P.D., Datta, S. and Iquebal, M.A. (2013). Pathogenic and molecular variability among different oilseed Brassica isolates of Alternaria brassicae from India. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences, 21(2): 349-359.
- Goyal, P., Kumar, A., Chahar, M., Iquebal, M.A., Datta, S. and Chattopadhyay, C. (2013). Pathogenic and genetic variability among different oilseed Brassica isolates of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum from India and UK. Annals of Plant Protection Sciences, 21(2): 377-386.
- Iquebal MA, Ghosh H and Prajneshu (2013). Fitting of SETAR Three-regime nonlinear time series model to Indian lac production data through genetic algorithm. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 83 (12), 130-132.
- Iquebal, M A and Sarika (2013). Nonlinear growth models for describing country’s Lentil (Lens culinaris M.) production. Journal of Food Legumes, 26 (1&2), 79-82.
- Iquebal, M.A, Sarika, Arora, Vasu, Rai, Anil, and Kumar, Dinesh.(2013). In silico mining of microsatellite markers from goat whole genome and development of GOSATDB. (Accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Animal Research).
- Lal, S. B., Pandey, P. K., Rai, P.K., Rai, Anil, Sharma, Anu and Chaturvedi, K.K. (2013). Design and Development of Portal for Biological Database in Agriculture. Bioinformation. Vol. 9 Issue: 11 ISSN 0973-2063 (online) 0973-8894 (print).
- Patil, J.P., Sarangi, A., Singh, D.K., Chakraborty, D, Rao, A.R. and Dahiya, S. (2013). Rainfall trend analysis: A case study of Pune district in western Maharashtra region. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 12(1), 35-43.
- G T Patle, D K Singh, A SarangiI, Anil Rai, Manoj Khanna and R N Sahoo (2013).Temporal variability of climatic parameters and potential evapotranspiration. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, 83 (5): 518–24, May 2013
- Priyamedha, Singh V V, Chauhan J S, Meena M L, Mishra D C (2013) “Correlation and path coefficient analysis for yield and yield components in early generation lines of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.)”, Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences, 5(1): 37-40.
- Anil Rai and Praveen Krishna (2013). Ranked Set Sampling from Finite Population under Randomized Framework. Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 67(3), 363-369.
- Rai Anil, Sanjukta R.K., Rai Niyati, Farooqi Md. Samir,, Sharma Naveen, Mishra Dwijesh C. and Singh Dhananjay P. (2013) “Expression Analysis of Genes Responsible for Amino Acid Biosynthesis in halophilic bacterium Salinibacter ruber”. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Vol 50, pp 177-185.
- Ranjit Kumar Paul, Sanjeev Panwar, Susheel Kumar Sarkar, Anil Kumar, K.N. Singh, Samir Farooqi and Vipin Kumar Choudhary: Modelling and Forecasting of Meat Exports from India, Agricultural Economics Research Review, Vol. 26 (No.2) July-December 2013 pp 249-255
- RK Sanjukta, Md. Samir Farooqi, Niyati Rai, Anil Rai, Naveen Sharma, Dwijesh C Mishra and Dhananjaya P Singh “ Expression analysis of genes responsible for amino acid biosynthesis in extremely halophilic bacterium, Salinibacter ruber”, Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics Vol 50, June. 2013, pp. 177-185
- Shachi Gahoi, Arya L., Rai Anil and Marla SS (2013): DPPrimer – A Degenerate PCR Primer Design Tool. Bioinformation, 9(18), 937-940
- Sharma, Anu, Rai, Anil, and Lal, S. B. (2013). Workflow Management Systems for Gene Sequence Analysis and Evolutionary Studies – A Review. Bioinformation. Vol. 9 Issue: 13. ISSN 0973-2063 (online) 0973-8894 (print).
- Srivastava, Sudhir, Varghese, Cini, Jaggi, Seema and Varghese, Eldho (2013). Diallel cross designs for test versus control comparisons. The Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 73(2), 186-193.
- Basak, P, Chandra, H, Sud, UC and Lal, SB (2013). Prediction of Population Total for Skewed Variable under a Log Transform Model. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 9, S1, 143-154
- Sharma, Anu and Lal, S. B. (2012). SSDA.Analysis – A Class Library for Analysis of Sample Survey Data. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, Vol.2, Issue.1, Jan-Feb 2012 pp-242-246, ISSN: 2249-6645
- Kumar, Shiv Kant, Lal, I. B. and Lal, S. B. (2012). Fixed – charge Bi-criterion Transportation Problem. International Journal Of Computer Application. Issue2, Volume 1, ISSN: 2250-1797
- Lal, S.B. and Sharma, Anu (2012). SSDA – A Windows Based Software for Survey Data Analysis. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS). Volume 2, Issue 4. PP(381-389) ISSN: 2249-5894.
- Poonam Chilana, Anu Sharma and Anil Rai (2012), Insect Genomic Resources: Status, Availability and Future, Current Science, Vol. 102, No. 4, 571-580.
- Ratna Prabha, Dhananjaya P. Singh, Shailendra K. Gupta, Samir Farooqi and Anil Rai, “Synonymous codon usage in Thermosynechococcus elongatus (cyanobacteria) (2012) identifies the factors shaping codon usage variation”, Bioinformation, 8(13): 622-628.
- Rajkumari Sanjukta, Mohammad Samir Farooqi, Naveen Sharma, Anil Rai, Dwijesh Chandra Mishra, and Dhananjaya P Singh “Trends in the codon usage patterns of Chromohalobacter salexigens genes” (2012). Bioinformation. 8(22): 1087-1095.
- Sandhu SK, Oberoi HS Dhaliwal SS, Babbar N, Kaur U, Nanda, DK; Kumar D (2012) Ethanol production from Kinnow mandarin (Citrus reticulata) peels via simultaneous saccharification and fermentation using crude enzyme produced by Aspergillus oryzae and the thermotolerant Pichia kudriavzevii strain. Annals of Microbiology (Springer) 62:2, 656-666 (June 2012 issue) [A139] NAAS Score/Thompson IF 7.1/0.689.
- Jain A, Gour DS, Bisen PS, Dubey PP, Sharma DK, Tiwari RP, Gupta N, Kumar D (2012) Allele mining in β-lactoglobulin gene of Capra hircus A Journal of Biotechnology(2012) 11:50, 11057-11064 (June 2012 issue) [A053] NAAS Score/Thompson IF 6.0/0.56.
- Sarika, Iquebal M.A., Rai A. (2012). Biotic stress resistance in agriculture through antimicrobial peptides. Peptides, 36, 322-330.
- Sarika, Iquebal, M. A. and Rai, Anil (2012). In silico analysis and homology model of legume antioxidant proteins. Online Journal of Bioinformatics, 13(1), 120-129.
- Choudhary, A. K. and Iquebal, M. A. and Nadarajan, N. (2012). Protogyny is an attractive option over emasculation for hybridization in pigeonpea. SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 44(1), 138-148.
- Singh N, Sahu TK, Rao AR, Mohapatra T (2012). shRNAPred (version 1.0): An open source and standalone software for short hairpin RNA (shRNA) prediction. Bioinformation, 8 (13), 629-633.
- Sahu TK, Rao AR, Vasisht S, Singh N, Singh UP (2012). Computational Approaches, Databases and Tools for in silico Motif Discovery. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 4 (4), 239-255 (DOI: 10.1007/s12539-012-0141-x).
- Dhananjaya P. Singh,Ratna Prabha, Rai Anil and Dilip K. Arora ( 2012). Bioinformatics-Assisted Microbiological Research: Tasks, Developments and Upcoming Challenges. American Journal of Bioinformatics 1 (1): 10-19, 2012
- Gharde, Yogita. Rai Anil, Chandra Hukum (2012) Hierarchical Bayes Small area approach for spatial data, Jr. Ind. Soc. Ag. Stat. , 66(2), 259-268.
- Kumar Manoj, Ahmad Taqueer, Rai Anil, Sahoo, P.M. (2012). Sensitivity analysis of various indicators of composite index, Jr. Ind. Soc. Ag. Stat. , 66(2), 3335-342.
- Chaturvedi, K.K., Singh, V.B. (2012). An empirical comparison of machine learning techniques in predicting the bug severity of open and closed source projects. International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, 4(2): 32-59. [IGI-Global]
- Dahiya, Shashi, Chaturvedi, K.K, Jaggi, Seema, Bharadwaj, Anshu, Varghese, Cini. (2012). A Digital Education Initiative in Agriculture. Journal of Farming Systems Research & Development. 18(2):175-179
- Nishikant Taksande, Anu Sharma, Cini Varghese, Seema Jaggi and S. B. Lal (2012). Web-enabled software for Generation and Analysis of Partial Diallel Crosses, Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 66(2), 343-350.
- Singh Nripendra V., Singh Sanjay K., Singh Anand K.,Meshram Deodas T.,Surosh Sachin S. and Mishra Dwijesh C. (2012), “Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) induced hardening of micropropagated pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) plantlets”, Scientia Horticulturae, Vol. 136, pg. 122-127.
- Islam Shahnawazul, Kundu Sushila, Shoran Jag, Sabir Naved, Sharma Kirti, Farooqi Samir, Singh Randhir, Agarwal Hari Om, Chaturvedi K.K., Sharma R.K. and Sharma A.K. “Selection of wheat (Triticum aestivum) variety through expert system” Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82 (1): 43–7, January 2012.
- Dash, S., Wahi, S.D., Rao, A.R. (2012). Classification of maize genotypes by artificial neural network based method: Self Organizing Feature Map, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(2), 162-163.
- Sanjeev Panwar, Anil Kumar, K.N. Singh, Md. Samir Farooqi, and Abhishek Rathore (2012), “Nonlinear regression techniques for analysis of onion (Allium cepa) production in India” Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82 (12): 1051-4, December.
- Dahiya, Shashi, Jaggi, Seema, Chaturvedi, K.K., Bhardwaj, Anshu, Goyal, R.C. and Varghese, Cini. (2012). An eLearning System for Agricultural Education”. Indian Research Journal of Extension and Education. Volume 12(3). pg. 132-135, Sept. 2012. (NAAS 3.5).
- Shrivastava, A., Babbar, A., Prakash, V., Tripathi, N and Iquebal, M. A. (2012). Genetic and molecular diversity analysis for improvement of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes grown under rice fallow. Journal of Food Legume, 25(2), 147-150.
- Iquebal, M. A., Ghosh, Himadri and Prajneshu (2012). Genetic algorithm optimization technique for linear regression models with heteroscedastic errors. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(5), 422-425.
- Sarkar, R.K., Rao, A.R., Wahi, S.D. and Bhat, K.V. (2012). Performance of clustering procedures for grouping germplasms based on mixture data with missing observations. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(12), 1055-1058.
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- Sharma, Meera, Bedi, Punam Chaturvedi, K.K. and Singh, VB, (2012). “Predicting the Priority of a Reported Bug using Machine Learning Techniques and Cross Project Validation” in Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications during 27-29 Nov. 2012 at CUSAT, Kochi (India). ISBN:978-1-4673-5118-8 2012 IEEE Explore. pg. 539-545.
- Sahu TK, Rao AR, Singh A, Behera BK, Mohapatra T. (2011). In silico identification of residues for anoxia tolerance across species. Online J. Bioinformatics, 12(1), 175-197.
- Sarkar, R.K., Rao, A.R., Wahi,S.D. and Bhat, K.V. (2011). A comparative performance of clustering procedures for mixture of qualitative and quantitative data – An application to black gram. Plant Genetic Resources – Characterization and Utilization, 9(4), 523–527.
- Farooqi Mohammad Samir, Arora Alka, Dahiya Shashi, Rai Anil and Singh Balbir (2011). PERMISnet-II: Personnel Management Information System Network – II for Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, Vol.65(1), 105-113.
- Rai Anil, Bhati Jyotika and Lal S.B. (2011) : Analytical tools and resources in Bioinformatics Eds.AJIT KUMAR ROY, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
- Anil Rai, S B Lal, Anu Sharma, Samir Farooqi, Hukum Chandra, A R Rao, Seema Jaggi (2011), Leaflet Brochure on National Agricultural Bioinformatics Grid, IASRI Publication.
- Wahi, S.D. and Rao, A.R. (2011). Some investigations on sampling variance of genetic correlation. The IUP Journal of Genetics & Evolution, 4(2), 27-44.
- Rai Anil, Bhati Jyotika and Lal S.B. (2011) : Analytical tools and resources in Bioinformatics Eds.AJIT KUMAR ROY, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
- Meher P.K., Rao, A.R., Wahi, S.D. and Jaggi, Namita (2010). Detection of Multivariate Outliers in Breeding Data. International Journal of Statistics and System, 5(4), 527-535.
- Shukla, Rajesh, Rai Anil and Nitasha Monga (2010) India Protection Index: An Objective Measurement of the Economic and Social Well-being of the Indian Population. Margin-The Journal of Applied Economic Research 4 (3), 339–36.
- Rao, AR, Choudhary, SK, Wahi, SD and Prabhakaran, V.T. (2010). An index for simultaneous selection of genotypes for high yield and stability under incomplete genotype x environment data. Ind. J. Genet., 70(1), 80-84.
- Ahmad, T., Rai, A. and Singh, R. (2010). Statistical evaluation of development of village’s potential for agro forestry using GIS. Adv. Appl. Res., 2(2), 157-163.
- Rai Anil, Chaturvedi K.K, Bhatia V.K. and Ramasubramanian V. (2010): Impact Assessment of Information and Communication Technology on Food Grain Production in India . Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Technologies and Developmental Activities in Agriculture, Fisheries and Its Allied Field Eds.AJIT KUMAR ROY, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
Training Programs
National Training(Completed)
1 | Online Training on “Genome-wide association studies and its application in Agriculture” Course Advisor: Dr. Anil Rai, Dr. Rajender Parsad |
Online Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | March 15-24, 2022 |
2 | Online Training on “Prediction of non coding RNA” Course Advisor: Dr. Anil Rai Course Coordinators: Dr Monendra Grover, Dr S.B. Lal |
ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | February 16-18, 2022 | |
3 | QTL analysis and genome-wide association studies Course Advisor: Dr.Anil Rai Co-Course Coordinator : Dr. M.A Iquebal , Dr. Sarika , Dr. U.B Angadi |
Online Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | February 15-24, 2022
4 | कृषि में जैविक डेटा विश्लेषण के लिए सांख्यिकीय और कम्प्यूटेशनल विधियां Course Director: Dr.Anil Rai Co-Course Coordinator : Dr. Sudhir Srivastava, Dr. Dr. U.B Angadi, Ms. Sneha Murmu |
हिंदी एकक (Online Training) | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | January 27 To January 29, 2022 |
5 | Metagenomic Data Analysis Course Director: Dr.Anil Rai Co-Course Coordinator : Dr. Anu Sharma, Dr. Md. Samir Farooqi |
Online Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | January 19 To January 24, 2022 |
6 | SNP Mining GWAS & Genomic Selection Course Director: Dr.Anil Rai Co-Course Coordinator : Dr. D C Mishra, Dr. Neeraj Budhlakati |
Online Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | December 16 To December 21, 2021 |
7 | Protein Structure Modelling and Dynamics Course Director: Dr.Anil Rai Co-Course Coordinator : Dr. Sunil Kumar, Dr. U B Angadi |
Online Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | October 29 To October 31, 2021 |
8 | Transcriptomic Data Analysis Course Director: Dr.Anil Rai Co-Course Coordinator : Dr. Md. Samir Farooqi , Dr. Sudhir Srivastava |
Online Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | Septmber 28 To Septmber 30, 2021 |
9 | Next Generation Sequence Data Analysis Course Director: Dr.Anil Rai Co-Course Coordinator : Sh. Sanjeev Kumar,Dr. D C Mishra,Dr. K K Chaturvedi |
Online Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | March 22 To March 27, 2021 |
10 | Software and Tools for Bioinformatics Course Coordinator: Dr. K.K Chaturvedi Co-Course Coordinator : Dr. U B Angadi , Dr. Sudhir Srivastava |
CABin Scheme | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | January 11, To January 13, 2021 |
11 | कृषि जैव सूचना में टूल्स और तकनीकियों का अवलोकन Course Coordinator: Dr.Sudhir Srivastava Co-Course Coordinator : Dr. Md. Samir Farooqi , Dr. K.K Chaturvedi |
हिंदी एकक | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | December 14, To December 16, 2020 |
11. | Advanced Bioinformatics Techniques for Mapping and GWAS using NGS data Course Coordinator: Dr. Mir Asif Iquebal Course Co-Coordinator: Dr.Sarika E-Mail:-ma.iquebal@icar.gov.in Course Advisors: Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Anil Rai |
Centre for Advanced Faculty Training.(CAFT) | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | February 06-26, 2020 |
12. | Recent Advances of Bioinformatics in Agricultural Research: A Practical Perspective
Course Coordinator:Md. Samir Farooqi |
Human Resource Management Unit | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | December 12-21, 2019 |
13. | Centre for Advanced Faculty Training on “Recent advances in Agricultural Bioinformatics: Big Data Analytics Perspectives” Course Coordinator: Dr. K.K. Chaturvedi Co-Course Coordinator : Md. Samir Farooqi |
Centre for Advanced Faculty Training.(CAFT) | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | November 14, To December 04, 2018 |
14. | Bioinformatics Tools and Techniques for Genomic Data Analysis. Course Directors: Dr. Mir Asif Iquebal, Dr.Sarika, Dr. U.B. Angadi Course Advisors: Dr. Anil Rai, Dr. Dinesh Kumar |
Resource Generation | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 11 September, -15 September, 2018. |
15. | Computational and Statistical Advances for Analysis of Biolobical Data in Agriculture. Course Coordinator: Anu Sharma Course co-Coordinator: Dr. S.B. Lal |
Centre for Advanced Faculty Training.(CAFT) | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 24th, March -13th, April 2018 |
16. | Application of OMICS Tools and Agriculture Germplasm improvement(CAFT) Course Coordinator: Dr.Sarika Course co-Coordinator: Dr. Mir Asif Iquebal |
Centre for Advanced Faculty Training.(CAFT) | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 9th, February – 3rd, March 2018 |
17. | Recent Advances of Bioinformatics in Agriculture: A Practical Perspective Course Coordinator: D.C Mishra: Course co-Coordinator: NeerajBudhlakati |
Human Resource Management Unit | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 1st, December – 21st, December 2017 |
18. | कृषि में जैवसूचना का उपयोग(Application of Bioinformatics in Agriculture Program Co-ordinator: Dr. Sarika: Co-Course Coordinator: Dr. Mir Asif Iquebal |
Training programme | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 27, June, – 29, June,2017 |
19. | जैव–सूँचना विज्ञान: एकपरिचय Program Co-ordinator: Dr. D.C. Mishra course Co-Cordinator: NeerajBudhalkoti |
Training Programme | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 24 May, – 26, May ,2017 |
20. | Application of OMICS Tools and Agriculture Germplasm improvement(CAFT) | Centre for Advanced Faculty Training. | ICAR – IASRI, New Delhi | 9th February – 3rd March 2018 |
21. | Computational and Statistical Advances for analysis of Biological Data in Agriculture(CAFT) | Centre for Advanced Faculty Training. | ICAR – IASRI, New Delhi | 18th January – 7th February 2018 |
22. | Recent Advances of Bioinformatics in Agriculture: A Practical Perspective
Course Coordinator : D.C Mishra, Neeraj Budhlakati |
Human Resource Management Unit | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 1st December – 21st December 2017 |
23. | Computational Approaches for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Data Analysis in Agriculture Program Co-ordinator: Dr. Mir Asif Iquebal Co-Course Coordinator: Dr. Sarika: |
Training programme | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 8, February – 28, February, 2017 |
24. | Advance Computational and Statistical Tools for Omics Data Analysis Program Co-ordinator: Dr. S.B. Lal Program Co-coordinator: Dr. K. K. Chaturvedi |
Capacity Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT) | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 01, December, – 21, December,2016 |
25. | Training on Introduction to Bioinformatics Program Co-ordinators: Dr. D.C. Mishra, Dr. Monendra Grover |
Funded by ICAR | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 08, November – 21, November, 2016 |
26. | Centre of Advance Faculty Training on Computational Tools and Techniques for Molecular Data Analysis in Agriculture Course Director: Dr. Dinesh Kumar Course Coordinators: Dr. Sarika |
Funded by ICAR | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 11, February – 02, March, 2016 |
27. | Training on Recent advances in Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Course Director: Dr. Monendra Grover |
Funded by ICAR | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 08, January – 18, January, 2016 |
28. | Bioinformatics and High Dimensional Genome Data Analysis Course Director: Dr. A R Rao |
Winter School Training -(Funded by ICAR) | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 25, November – 15, December, 2015. |
29. | Advances in Omics Data Analysis: Learning by examples Course Director: Sh. Sanjeev Kumar Course Co-Director: Sh. S.B. Lal, Dr. D.C. Mishra |
Capacity Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT) | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 03, December-23 December, 2014 |
30. | Network Administration Course Co-ordinator: Jai Bhagwan |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 01, September – 03, September, 2014 |
31. | Network Security Course Co-ordinator: Jai Bhagwan |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 25 August – 29 August, 2014 |
32. | Advanced Training in Discovery Studio Course Director: Mir Asif Iquebal |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 17 June – 21 June, 2014 |
33. | SAS Training program on different modules Course Director: Md. Samir Farooqi |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 26 May – 19 June, 2014 |
34. | Oracle Database 11g: Administration Course Co-ordinator: K.K.Chatruvedi |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 19 May – 23 May, 2014 |
35. | High Performance Computing | ICAR-IASRI and C-DAC, Pune | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 12 May – 17 May, 2014 |
36. | Basic Training in Discovery Studio | National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 1 May – 3 May, 2014 |
37. | Computational Aspect for NGS Data Analysis: A Sojourn form Lab to Field Course Director: Dinesh Kumar CourseCourse Co-ordinators: Mir Asif Iquebal, C. G. Joshi (Anand, AAU) |
Capacity Advanced Faculty Training(CAFT) | Ome Research Facility, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat | 4 March – 13 March, 2014 |
38. | HPC User Training Course Co-ordinator: Jai Bhagwan |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 17 February – 26 February, 2014 |
39. | Computational and Statistical Advances in Bioinformatics for omics Data Course Director: S.B. Lal Course Co-ordinators: K. K. Chatruvedi, Sanjeev Kumar |
Capacity Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT) | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 21 January – 10 February, 2014 |
40. | CLC-Bio Software Advanced User Training Programme Organized by CLCBio, Denmark |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 29 October – 01 November, 2013 |
41. | HPC Administration Training Course Co-ordinator: Jai Bhagwan |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 21 – 25 October, 2013 |
42. | CLC Genomics Workbench Organized by CLC-Bio, Denmark |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 26 – 30 August, 2013 |
43. | CLC-Bio Software Organized by CLCBio, Denmark |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 02 – 06 July, 2013 |
44. | Data Analysis using SAS Course Director: Ramasubramanaian V. Course Co-ordinators: Samir Farooqi; Rajesh Sharma, Vipin Ladha (SKRAU, Bikaner) |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | SKRAU, Bikaner | 04 – 09 March, 2013 |
45. | Statistical Approaches for Genomic Data Analysis Course Director: Seema Jaggi Course Co-ordinator: Sarika |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 07 – 19 January, 2013 |
46. | Strengthening Statistical Computing for NARS Course Co-ordinators: Samir Farooqi, D.C. Mishra |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | NBAIM, Mau | 22 – 24 November, 2012 |
47. | Recent Advances on Quantitative Genetics and Statistical Genomics Course Director: A.R. Rao |
Summer/Winter School Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 06 – 26 November, 2012 |
48. | Statistical Models for Forecasting in Agriculture Course Director: Ramasubramanaian V. Course Co-ordinator: Mir Asif Iquebal |
Capacity Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT) | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 11 September – 01 October, 2012 |
49. | Recent Advances in Statistical and Computational Genomics Data Analysis Course Director: A.R. Rao |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 19 – 28 March, 2012 |
50. | Data Mining using SAS Course Director: Rajender Parsad Course Co-ordinators: Samir Farooqi, Anshu Bharadwaj |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 06 – 11 February, 2012 |
51. | High Performance Bio-Computing and Drug Design Association with Super Computing Facility for Bioinformatics and Computatioal Biology (SCFBIO) |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | IIT, New Delhi | 12 – 22 September, 2011 |
52. | Bioinformatics in Agriculture Course Director: S.B. Lal |
Capacity Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT) | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 29 August – 07 September, 2011 |
53. | Computational Genome Analysis using ANVAYA Association with Bioinformatics Group of C-DAC, Pune |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 22 – 24 June, 2011 |
54. | Bioinformatics Resources and Tools for Agricultural Research Course Director: S.B. Lal |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 24 – 29 January, 2011 |
55. | Statistical and Computational Genomics Data Analysis Course Director: A.R. Rao |
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Training | ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi | 11 – 21 January, 2011 |