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About Us
Division of Sample Surveys has developed various sampling methodologies for estimation of important parameters in agriculture. The sampling methodologies developed in the division are being used in the entire country as well as some of the developing countries. Development of suitable sample survey methodologies for estimation of various parameters in crops, livestock, fisheries production and allied fields have always been one of the most important activities of the division from the very beginning. The division was instrumental in the development of sample survey methodology for crop production estimation through crop cutting approach which formed a sound objective method of estimating crop production in the country, estimation of livestock numbers, products and attendant practices, the extent of cultivation and production of fruits and vegetables, estimation of plantation crops like areca nut, coconut, cashew nut, estimation of fish catch both from marine and inland resources, estimation of cost of production of crops as well as livestock products, evaluation studies such as assessment of development programmes like IADP, HYVP, dairy improvement programmes, etc. were other important contributions of the Institute. Most of the methodologies evolved by the division are being adopted for estimation of respective commodities by the concerned departments in the various states and this work is being coordinated by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics and other concerned Wings of the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. Some of these methodologies have been internationally used
The division has made significant contributions in many areas of basic research in sampling techniques such as successive sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, component sampling, sampling with varying probabilities, controlled selection, non-sampling errors, various methods of estimation such as ratio and regression methods, analysis of survey data, etc. The use of combinatorics (or experimental designs) in sample surveys has also led to some useful contributions, particularly for variance estimation in large scale complex surveys and varying probability selection procedures. Useful contributions have also been made in the categorical data analysis and variance estimation using re-sampling techniques like Jackknife technique and Balanced Repeated Replications. Studies on small area estimation for local-level planning and regression analysis of survey data have also been taken up.
Besides this the division has the expertise to provide Consultancy services in Sample surveys for Estimation of parameters of Interest in Crop, Livestock, Fisheries, Horticultural Crops, Vegetables and Allied fields, estimation of Area and Production, Cost of Production Studies, Assessment and Evaluation Studies, Post Production Studies, and Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agricultural surveys.
- To evolve sample survey techniques for estimation of various parameters of interest relating to crops, livestock, fishery, forestry and allied fields and to develop techniques for analysis of survey data
Thrust Areas
- Application of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System
- Small Area Estimation
- Area & Production Estimation
- Cost of Production Studies
- Assessment and Evaluation Studies
- Harvest and Post Harvest Losses
- Analysis of Complex Surveys
Main Activities
- Research
- Teaching
- Research Guidance
- Training
- Advisory & Consultancy
Ongoing Projects:
Institute Funded:
Sl. No | Title of the Project | Project Leader* and Associates |
1 | Estimation of Finite Population Proportion from Geo-Referenced Survey Data | Ankur Biswas* Kaustav Aditya Rahul Banerjee Deepak Singh |
2 | A Study on Domain Calibration Estimator under Two Stage Sampling Design. | Kaustav Aditya* Raju Kumar Pankaj Das |
3 | A Regression Type Estimator in Dual Frame Surveys under Two Stage Sampling | Bharti* Rahul Banerjee Kaustav Aditya Deepak Singh |
4 | Machine Learning Models in Complex Surveys for Crop Yield Estimation | Pankaj Das* Tauqueer Ahmad Prachi Misra Sahoo Ankur Biswas |
5 | Development of Robust Estimator by Integrating Data from Different Surveys. | Rahul Banerjee* Pankaj Das Raju Kumar Ankur Biswas |
6 | Model-Assisted Estimators using Survey Weighted Artificial Neural Networks in Complex Surveys | Deepak Singh* Raju Kumar Bharti Samarth Godara |
7 | Assessment of post harvest losses in fruits and vegetables and strategies for their reduction in Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Prachi Misra Sahoo* Tauqueer Ahmad |
8 | Two step calibration for estimation of finite population total under two-stage sampling design | Pradip Basak* Kaustav Aditya Hukum Chandra Ajit |
9 | Construction of composite index under complex surveys | Deepak Singh Pradip Basak Raju Kumar (w.e.f. 05.12.2018) |
10 | Detection of outliers in presence of masking and imputation of data when auxiliary variables are available in sample surveys. | Raju Kumar Ankur Biswas Lal Mohan Bhar Deepak Singh |
External Funded
Sl. No | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Project Leader* and Associates |
1 | ICAR-All India Coordinated Research Project on Energy in Agriculture & Agro-based Industries. | ICAR-AICRP on EAAI | Kaustav Aditya* Bharti |
2 | Integrated Sample Survey Solutions for major Livestock Products | Animal Husbandry Statistics Division, Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Govt. of India | Prachi Misra Sahoo* Tauqueer Ahmad Ankur Biswas Raju Kumar Rahul Banerjee Pankaj Das |
3 | Agri-Drone in ICAR: ICAR-IASRI Component. | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) | Tauqueer Ahmad* Prachi Misra Sahoo Ankur Biswas Pankaj Das |
4 | Development of Intelligent decision support system for precision agriculture under approved Network Program on Precision Agriculture (NePPA) at ICAR-IARI New Delhi in co-ordination with ICT Unit of ICAR. | Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) | Ankur Biswas* |
5 | Planning and data analysis of FSSAI and NeTSCoFAN surveys | Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India | Deepak Singh* Tauqueer Ahmad Prachi Misra Sahoo Ankur Biswas Kaustav Aditya Raju Kumar Rahul Banerjee Pankaj Das Bharti |
6 | All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Honey Bees and pollinators | ICAR AICRP on HB&P | Deepak Singh* |
7 | Biomass and Carbon Mapping Across Altitudinal Gradient of Major Darjeeling and Sikkim Himalayan Land Uses: Implications for Carbon Sink Management and Mitigation (Funded by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST, GOI) | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India | Ankur Biswas* |
8 | Pilot study for developing state level estimates of crop area and production on the basis of sample sizes recommended by professor Vaidyanthan Committee Report | Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES), Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India | Kaustav Aditya* UC Sud(till 31.07.2017) Hukum Chandra A K Gupta(till 31.07.2016) Ankur Biswas Vandita Kumari Raju Kumar (till May 2017) Anshu Bhardwaj Anil Kumar Ajit Pradip Basak (since 13.09.2017) |
9 | Investigation of Causes of Divergence between Official and Trade Estimates of Jute Production. | Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES), Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India | Prachi Misra Sahoo* UC Sud(till 31.07.2017) Tauqueer Ahmad Kaustav Aditya Ankur Biswas |
10 | Integrated Sampling Methodology for Crop Yield Estimation using Remote Sensing, Field Surveys and Weather Parameters for Crop Insurance. | Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India | Tauqueer Ahmad* Prachi Misra Sahoo Anil Rai Hukum Chandra Ankur Biswas |
11 | Integrated Sample Survey Solution for major livestock products. | Animal Husbandry Statistics Division, Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India. | Prachi Misra Sahoo* Tauqueer Ahmad Ankur Biswas Pradip Basak Raju Kumar Anil Rai S B Lal |
12 | Energy Audit Survey of All India Coordinated Research Project on Energy in Agriculture & Agro-based Industries: Sampling Design and Analysis. | ICAR-All India Coordinated Research Project on Energy in Agriculture & Agro-based Industries | Hukum Chandra* Pradip Basak Ajit |
13 | Study to Estimate the Sub-State Level Estimate of Socio-Economic Indicators of Uttar Pradesh by Using Small Area Estimation Techniques | Government of Uttar Pradesh | Hukum Chandra* Pradip Basak Kaustav Aditya |
14 | Feasibility Study for Developing Renewable Energy Systems for Tea Plantations in Assam | ICAR Extramural Fund (in collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD) under Research collaboration between ICAR and IITD) | Hukum Chandra* Pradip Basak Vandita Kumari |
Consultancy Projects
Sl. No | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Project Leader* and Associates |
1 | Study on reviewing the Food Loss Index (FLI) estimates for India and preparing assessment report for inclusion of the SDG Indicator 12.3.1 in the National Indicator Framework of India | FAO of the United Nations, Rome through FAO-India | Tauqueer Ahmad* Prachi Misra Sahoo Ankur Biswas |
2 | Evaluation of Agriculture Census Scheme | Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India | Hukum Chandra* Kaustav Aditya Pradip Basak Vandita Kumari |
Completed Projects:
Institute Funded:
Sl. No | Title of the Project | Project Leader* and Associates |
1. | Survey methodology to study economics of keeping goats | R L Rustogi*, S C Agarwal, Shivtar Singh |
2. | Statistical modeling for projection of bovine populations and prediction of milk availability | S N Arya*, S C Aggrawal, H P Singh |
3. | Pilot sample survey for estimation of yield of pepper and study of cultivation practices using successive sampling | S SShastri*, V K Jain, P M Ramesan |
4. | Pilot sample survey for estimating the area under waste-land | S S Gupta*, P C Mehrotra, |
5. | Chi-square tests in in survey data | Anil Rai*, A K Srivastava, H C Gupta |
6. | Pilot sample survey to study the economics of Angora rabbits | K P S Nirman*, Shivtar Singh, BhagwanDass |
7. | Pilot sample survey for evolving a sampling methodology for estimation of area and yield of cultivated fodder crops other than berseem and jowar crop, cost of production and cultivation practices thereof | AnandPrakash*, B C Saxena, K Ktyagi |
8. | Sample survey for estimation of cashewnut and cashew apple yield and study of its cultivation practices | S SShastri*, V K Jain, P M Ramesan |
9. | Sample survey for study of constraints in transfer of new agricultural technology under field conditions | P C Mehrotra*, S S Gupta, N K Ohri, G S Bassi, R C Gola, S SShastri, M S Narang |
10. | Studies on feed in take by bovines through stall feeding and grazing | B C Saxena*, K Ktyagi |
11. | Small area estimation of milk production | D K Bhatia*, S N Arya, H C Gupta |
12. | Estimation of regression coefficients from sample survey data | U C Sud*, Anil Rai, I C Sethi, V P N Singh |
13. | Development of database relating to basic and current agricultural and allied statistics over time and space | N K Ohri*, Bal B P S Goel, M S Narang |
14. | An analysis of yield gap for buffaloes milk | Satya Pal*, R M Sood, T Rai |
15. | To study the effect of various input components on the yield of important vegetable crops | A K Gupta* |
16. | A study of variance estimation in complex surveys | V P N Singh*, Anil Rai, V K Jain |
17. | Use of remote sensing technology in crop yield estimation surveys | Randhir Singh*, R C Goyal |
18. | Study for estimation of area and production of important vegetable crops on the basis of partial harvest | A K Srivastava*, D L Ahuja, D C Mathur, K Chugh |
19. | Sample Survey to evolve methodology for estimation of fish catch from rivers or streams specially of the hilly areas | H V L Bathla*, K KKher, A K Gupta |
20. | Estimation of flow and changes in dynamic population | Jagbir Singh* |
21. | Pilot sample survey to develop a sampling methodology for estimation of poultry meat production | Mahender Singh* |
22. | Pilot Sample Survey for estimating the area and yield rates of ginger and potato in hilly areas | M S Narang*, S S Gupta, R C Gola |
23. | Crop yield estimation of smaller area level using farmers' estimates (a small study taken in district Karnal) | U C Sud*, D C Mathur, A K Srivastava, H V L Bathla, G K Jha |
24. | Development of GIS based technique for identification of potential agro-forestry area | TauqueerAhamed*, Randhir Singh, Anil Rai |
25. | Pilot study to develop sampling methodology for estimation of production of mushroom crop | A K Gupta*, U C Sud, D C Mathur |
26. | Small Area Estimation for Zero-Inflated Data | Hukum Chandra*, H V L Bathla, U C Sud |
27. | Spatial Non-stationarity in Small Area Estimation under Area Level Model | Hukum Chandra*, U C Sud, YogitaGharde(Upto 31-3-2012) |
28. | Study to develop methodology for crop acreage estimation under cloud cover in the satellite imageries | PrachiMisraSahoo*, Tauqueer Ahmad, K N Singh, A K Gupta |
29. | Study of Sample Sizes for Estimation of Area and Production of Food Grain Crops | K KTyagi*, A K Gupta, V K Jain, Kaustav Aditya |
30. | A study on calibration estimators of finite population total for two stage sampling design | Kaustav Aditya*, U C Sud, Hukum Chandra, V K Jain |
31. | Small Area Estimation for Skewed Data | Hukum Chandra*, U C Sud, Kaustav Aditya |
32. | Farm power machinery use protocol and management for sustainable crop production | Tauqueer Ahmad* , From :Ag. Engg., IARI:Indra Mani, Dipankar De, M S Kalra, J K Singh, Adrash Kumar, P K Sahoo, P K Sharma, Alka Singh |
33. | Calibration estimators under two stage sampling design when study variable is inversely related to auxiliary variable | AnkurBiswas*, Kaustav Aditya, U C Sud |
34. | A study on Calibration Estimators under Adaptive Cluster Sampling | Ankur Biswas* (w.e.f. 04.06.2017) Raju Kumar* (till 03.06.2017) Deepak Singh Pradip Basak (w.e.f. 26.09.2017) |
Completed Projects
Externally Funded:
Sl. No | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Project Leader* and Associates |
1. | Use of remote sensing satellite data in crop surveys | A.P. Cess funding | Randhir Singh*, R C Goyal |
2. | Sampling procedure for selection of representative samples of fertiliser from ships | A.P. Cess funding | U C Sud*, H V L Bathla, Anil Rai |
3. | Study of land use statistics through integrated modelling using Geographic Information System | A.P. Cess funding | Anil Rai*, A K Srivastava, Randhir Singh, V K Jain |
4. | A pilot study on cost of production of Coconut in Kerala | Coconut Development Board | U C Sud*, H V L Bathla, Jagbir Singh, D C Mathur, K KKher, G K Jha, K Murlidharan (From CPCRI) |
5. | Assessment of harvest and post-harvest losses | Mission Mode Project under NATP | H V L Bathla*, Anil Rai, R S Khatri, Jagbir Singh, Tauqueer Ahmad, G K Jha, Vipin K Dubey |
6. | Crop yield estimation at small area level using farmers' estimates | Central Statistical Organisation, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, New Delhi | U C Sud*, D C Mathur, G K Jha, S C Sethi, R M Bhasin |
7. | Sample survey to develop sampling methodology for estimation of area, production and productivity of important flowers on the basis of market arrivals | Central Statistical Organisation, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, New Delhi | A K Gupta*, V K Jain, M S Narang, K KTyagi, U C Sud |
8. | A study relating to formulating long term mechanisation strategy for each agro- climatic zone/state | Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture | K KTyagi*, H V L Bathla, M S Narang, Satya Pal, R M Sood, BhagwanDass, S C Agarwal, A K Gupta, K KKher, D C Mathur, Man Singh |
9. | Estimation of wool production- emerging data needs and a methodological reappraisal | A. P. Cess funding | R S Khatri*, J P Goyal, J Jayasankar, V Geethalakshmi (CSWRI, Avikanagar) |
10. | Study for assessment of survey capabilities of private sector | CSO, MOS & PI, GOI, New Delhi | S D Sharma*, U C Sud, H V L Bathla, R C Goyal, M S Narag, D C Mathur, A K Gupta, Satyapal, V K Jain, BhagwanDass, AlkaArora |
11. | Pilot study to develop an alternative methodology for estimation of area and production of horticultural crops | CSO, MOS & PI, GOI, New Delhi | Tauqueer Ahmad*, H V L Bathla, Anil Rai, D C Mathur, R M Sood |
12. | Developing Remote sensing methodology for collecting agricultural statistics in Meghalaya | Space Applications Centre, ISRO, Dept. of Space, GoI | PrachiMisraSahoo*, Anil Rai, Randhir Singh |
13. | Pilot study on small area crop estimation approach for crop yield estimates at the Gram Panchayat level (SACEM) - | Ministry of Agriculture | U C Sud*, H V L Bathla, R S Khatri, V K Mahajan, D C Mathur, Hukum Chandra |
14. | Study to investigate the causes of variation between official and trade estimates of cotton production | DES, MOA, GOI, New Delhi | Tauqueer Ahmad*, H V L Bathla, Anil Rai, PrachiMisraSahoo, A K Gupta, V K Jain, D V Mhadgut (CIRCOT, Mumbai) |
15. | Evaluation of Rationalization of Minor Irrigation Statistics (RMIS) Scheme | Ministry of Water Resources | V K Bhatia, U C Sud*, D C Mathur, Hukum Chandra, S B Lal |
16. | Developing Remote Sensing based methodology for collection of agricultural statistics in North-East region. | Space Applications Centre, ISRO, Dept. of Space, GoI | PrachiMisraSahoo*, H V L Bathla, Anil Rai, Tauqueer Ahmad, Samir Farooqi |
17. | Sampling Methodology for Estimation of Meat Production in Meghalaya | Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India | Hukum Chandra*, U C Sud, A K Gupta, D C Mathur |
18. | National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)-Agroforestry Component | Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India | Tauqueer Ahmad*, PrachiMisraSahoo |
19. | On Small Area Inference Using Survey Weights | Directorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh | Hukum Chandra*, V K Jain, YogitaGharde (DWR, Jabalpur) |
20. | Assessment of quantitative harvest and post harvest losses of major crops/ commodities in India | Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt. of India | Tauqueer Ahmad*, UC Sud, Anil Rai, PrachiMisraSahoo |
21. | Pilot study for estimation of seed, feed and wastage ratios of major food grains | National Accounts Division, Central Statistical Office, MOS&PI, Government of India | AK Gupta*, UC Sud, Hukum Chandra, Tauqueer Ahmad, Kaustav Aditya, PrachiMisraSahoo, AnkurBiswas |
22. | Development of Innovative Approaches for Small Area Estimation of Crop Yield, Socio-economic and Food Insecurity Parameters | ICAR’s Lal Bahadur Shastri Outstanding Young Scientist Award-2012 | Hukum Chandra*, Kaustav Aditya |
23. | Study to test the developed alternative methodology for estimation of area and production of horticultural crops. IASRI component of CHAMAN program under under MIDH | Dept. of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India | Tauqueer Ahmad* U C Sud (till 31.07.2017) Prachi Misra Sahoo Kaustav Aditya A K Gupta(till 31.07.2016) Ankur Biswas Deepak Singh (w.e.f. 02.08.2016) |
Consultancy Projects
Sl. No | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Project Leader* and Associates |
1. | Determination of optimum sample size for crop yield estimation at the gram panchayat level | Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India | V K Bhatia U C Sud* V K Gupta |
2. | Evaluation of Agricultural Census Scheme | Department of Agriculture and Co-operation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India | U C Sud* V K Bhatia K K Tyagi Tauqueer Ahmad Hukum Chandra |
3. | Study to develop an alternative methodology for estimation of Cotton production | Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES), Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India | Tauqueer Ahmad* V K Bhatia U C Sud Anil Rai Prachi Misra Sahoo |
4. | Impact assessment of agroforestry model in Vaishali district of Bihar State | Institute of Forest Productivity (ICFRE), Ranchi | Tauqueer Ahmad* V K Bhatia U C Sud Anil Rai Prachi Misra Sahoo |
5. | Research on improving methods for estimating crop area, yield and production under mixed, repeated and continuous cropping | Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations | UC Sud* Tauqueer Ahmad Hukum Chandra Prachi Misra Sahoo Kaustav Aditya Ankur Biswas |
6. | Pilot study on measurement of private food grains stock including estimation of on-farm post harvest losses under Input Survey of Agriculture Census in India | FAO India | Tauqueer Ahmad* U C Sud Ankur Biswas Man Singh |
7. | Testing and validation of alternative methodology developed by IASRI for estimation of area and production of horticultural crops in Madhya Pradesh State | Madhya Pradesh State Govt. | Tauqueer Ahmad* U C Sud Prachi Misra Sahoo Anil Rai Kaustav Aditya Raju Kumar |
8. | Testing and validation of alternative methodology developed by IASRI for estimation of area and production of horticultural crops in Haryana State | Haryana State Govt. | Tauqueer Ahmad* U C Sud Prachi Misra Sahoo Anil Rai Ankur Biswas Vandita Kumari |
9. | Study on developing Guidelines for estimating post harvest losses of horticultural crops, livestock products and fish and fish products” | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy | Tauqueer Ahmad* Anil Rai A K Choubey (till 21.01.2018) Prachi Misra Sahoo Ankur Biswas Man Singh G M Pathak |
10. | Study on field testing of the developed guidelines on estimating post harvest losses of horticultural crops, livestock products and fish and fish products” | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy | Tauqueer Ahmad* Anil Rai Prachi Misra Sahoo Ankur Biswas Kaustav Aditya Man Singh |
Agricultural Research Data Book (ARDB)
Agricultural research is a vital input for planned growth and sustainable development of agriculture in the country. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, being an apex scientific organization at national level, plays a crucial role in promoting and accelerating the use of science and technology programmes relating to agricultural research and education. It also provides assistance and support in demonstrating the use of new technologies in agriculture.
Information pertaining to agricultural research, education and related aspects available from different sources is scattered over various types of published and unpublished records. The Agricultural Research Data Book (ARDB) 2017 was published by the Division of Sample Surveys and released on 03 July, 2017 on the eve of Annual Day Function of the Institute. The ARDB 2017, which is Twentieth in the series is an attempt to put together main components/ indicators of such information and comprises of 170 tables organized into 10 sections namely, Natural Resources, Agricultural Inputs, Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Horticulture, Production and Productivity, Agricultural Engineering & Produce Management, Export & Import, India’s Position in World Agriculture, Investment in Agricultural Research & Education and Human Resources under National Agricultural Research System (NARS). Apart from updation of tables, twenty-two new tables have been added, which consist of state-wise data on area and production of 7 food grains including rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, maize, pulses, oilseeds; area and production of 5 fruit crops which are mango, banana, sweet orange, apple and papaya; area and production of 3 vegetable crops which are potato, tomato and onion; production and per capita availability of livestock products like milk, egg and production of meat and wool. For depicting state-wise data, thematic maps were prepared using Geographical Information System (GIS). The first ARDB was brought out in the year 1996. Subsequently, this was updated and brought out in the years 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 (nineteenth edition).
- Significant Research Achievements and Impact
The subject of sampling techniques helps in providing the methodology for obtaining precise estimates of parameters of interest. The division is involved in evolving suitable sample survey techniques for estimation of various parameters of interest relating to crops, livestock, fishery, forestry and allied fields.
- Significant contributions have been made in theoretical aspects of sample surveys like successive sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, sampling with varying probabilities, controlled selection, nonsampling errors, analysis of complex surveys, various methods of estimation such as ratio and regression methods of estimation and use of combinatorics in sample surveys.
- The methodology for General Crop Estimation Surveys (GCES), cost of cultivation studies for principal food crops, cash crops and horticultural crops, Integrated Sample Surveys (ISS) for livestock products estimation, fruits and vegetable survey are being adopted throughout the country and many Asian and African countries.
- Methodology based on small area estimation technique for National Agricultural Insurance Scheme, also called RashtriyaKrishiBimaYojana, suggested by IASRI has been pilot tested in the country.
- The sample survey methodology for imported fertilizer quality assessment, estimation of fish catch from marine and inland resources, flower production estimation, area and production of horticultural crops estimation, etc. has been developed and passed on to the user agencies.
- Integrated methodology for estimation of multiple crop area of different crops in North Eastern Hilly Regions using Remote Sensing data has been developed.
- Sampling methodology for estimation of post harvest losses has been successfully adopted in AICRP on Post Harvest Technology for assessment of post harvest losses of crops/commodities.
- Reappraisal of sampling methodologies, evaluation and impact assessment studies like studies to make an assessment of Integrated Area Development programmes, High Yielding Varieties programmes, Dairy Improvement programmes, Evaluation of cotton production estimation methodology etc. have been undertaken. Most of the methodologies developed are being adopted for estimation of respective commodities by the concerned state departments.
- The Institute is regularly publishing the Agricultural Research Data Book since 1996. It contains information pertaining to agricultural research, education and other related aspects compiled from different sources.
- For providing e-advisory and e-learning in sample surveys, initiated a Sample Survey Resources Server (http://js.iasri.res.in/ssrs/) which also provides calculator for sample size determination for population mean and population proportion among other material.
Methodologies developed and implemented:
- Developed a new sampling methodology for estimation of Cotton production using double sampling approach under stratified two stage sampling framework, which is efficient and very cost effective than the existing methodology in operation. This methodology is operationally more convenient and will reduce the workload of the field staff significantly which in turn will lead to significant reduction in Crop Cutting Experiments. After validation of the developed methodology in two states namely, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh, the developed methodology has been implemented in all the Cotton growing states of the country from 2015-2016 by Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
- Developed a new sampling methodology for estimation of area and production of horticultural crops which is efficient, simple, less time consuming and cost effective. Under this methodology, survey procedures have been simplified and sample size has been reduced significantly than the existing methodology in operation on pilot basis in 11 states till 2013-2014. The developed methodology is being validated in six states of the country namely, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Himacal Pradesh, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh under CHAMAN Project (2014-2017). After validation of the developed methodology, the developed methodology will be implemented in all the states of the country from 2018-2019 by Division of Horticulture, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare (DACFW), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India.
- Developed a suitable sampling methodology for estimation of quantitative harvest and post harvest losses of major crops/commodities in India by integrating enquiry and observation based techniques of data collection. This methodology was implemented for conducting a National level survey during 2012-2014 covering 120 selected districts of the country and reliable estimates of percentage loss for 45 crops/commodities at different stages/channels i.e. from production to consumption were obtained.
- Developed a suitable methodology for finding out causes of variation between official and trade estimates of Cotton production by evaluating adoption and implementation of existing methodologies. The methodologies were evaluated by conducting a survey in five selected districts in each of the two major Cotton growing states namely, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh for official methodology and survey of two Ginning and Pressing mills in each of the five selected districts in each of the two states for trade methodology during 2008-2009.
- Developed sampling technique for conducting survey to study the socio-economic impact of agroforestry in Vaishali district of Bihar State. Keeping in view the outcome of the study e. the impact and adoption of agroforestry by farmers, the State Forest Department, Bihar has taken up the idea for replication in the entire State in next five years as mission. Bihar Govt. has launched this mission as Harit Mission.
- Developed an integrated sampling methodology for multiple crops acreage estimation based on Remote Sensing, GIS and ground survey in North-Eastern Hilly region. The developed sampling methodology for acreage estimation under paddy crop based on remote sensing, GIS and ground survey has been adopted in Meghalaya and Tripura states and is being implemented in all North-Eastern states of the country.
- Developed sampling methodology for estimating crop area, yield and production under mixed and continuous cropping which was tested and validated in three different countries namely, Indonesia from Asian Region, Rwanda from African Region and Jamaica from Caribbean Region during December 2015-April 2016. The developed sampling methodology is likely to be adopted globally specially in developing countries in future by Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations.
- Developed a suitable sampling methodology aligned with existing Input Survey for estimation of private food grains stock and post harvest losses at farm level and established the feasibility of inclusion of developed questionnaire in the future Input Survey of Agriculture Census in India in order to estimate the food grains stock including post harvest loss at farm operations which will bridge the gap on post harvest information and private food grains stock in on-farm and off-farm domains of the supply chain.
- Method of sampling of imported fertilizers from ships/containers being followed as per the prescribed procedure in the Fertilizer Control Order (FCO), Govt. of India was studied and modified method of sampling has been suggested so that the sampling is done with reliability and it is practically feasible also. The modified method of sampling of imported fertilizers from ships/containers is adopted under Fertilizer Control Order (FCO), of India.
- Foreign Tours:
- Tauqueer Ahmad visited FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy as Expert by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and was invited for Expert Committee meeting on “Improving methods for estimating crop area, yield and production under mixed, repeated and continuous cropping” held at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy during April 15-16, 2015.
- Tauqueer Ahmad visited FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy as Expert by FAO of the United Nations and was invited for Expert Committee meeting on “Improving methods for estimating post harvest losses” held at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy during April 16-17, 2015.
- Tauqueer Ahmad visited Indonesia, Rwanda and Jamaica for imparting training to the Master trainers and Enumerators and supervised field data collection namely, under a FAO funded study awarded to ICAR-IASRI.
- Tauqueer Ahmad was invited by FAO of the United Nations for participation in the Validation meeting on “Improving methods for estimating crop area, yield and production under mixed, repeated and continuous cropping” and brief session on “Measuring vegetable production” at FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy during September 7-8, 2016.
- Tauqueer Ahmad was invited by FAO of the United Nations for participation in the Global Strategy Outreach Workshop on Agricultural Statistics andto the Seventh International Conference on Agricultural Statistics (ICAS VII) to be held at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy during October 24-28, 2016 and for presenting a research paper in the session on “Post Harvest Losses” in the FAO organized GS Workshop as Invited Speaker.
- Tauqueer Ahmad presented a paper entitled “Sampling methodology for estimation of harvest and post harvest losses of major crops and commodities” by Tauqueer Ahmad, U.C. Sud, Anil Rai, Prachi Mishra Sahoo, S.N. Jha and R.K. Vishwarma on 25.10.2016 in Global Strategy Outreach Workshop on Agricultural Statistics held at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy during 24-25 October 2016.
- Tauqueer Ahmad presented a paper entitled “An alternative methodology for estimation of cotton yield using double sampling approach” by U.C. Sud, Tauqueer Ahmad, Anil Rai and Prachi Mishra Sahoo on 26.10.2016 in Seventh International Conference on Agricultural Statistics (ICAS VII) held at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy during 26-28 October 2016.
- Tauqueer Ahmad was recognized as Expert by FAO of the United Nations Rome, Italy and was invited for Expert Consultation on “SDG 12.3 – Measurement and action to meet the target on reducing food losses and food waste” held at FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy during September 28-29, 2017.
- DrAnkurBiswasand Dr Kaustav Aditya visited National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwandaas a Resource Person to impart training on CAPI software during April 25-30, 2016 under the project “Research on improving methods for estimating crop area, yield and production under mixed, repeated and continuous cropping” funded by FAO of United Nations, Rome. Delivered several lectures on data collection work using CAPI software during 25-30 April, 2016 in the training to the 7 participants. In order to scrutinize the data, visited fields in the Musanze District in Rwanda where the field data collection work under the project was undertaken.
- DrAnkurBiswasvisited Jamaica as a Resource Person in order to supervise data collection work during June 13-17, 2016 under the project entitled “Study on improving methods for estimating crop area, yield and production under mixed, repeated and continuous cropping” funded by FAO of United Nations, Rome. To supervise the data collection work, visited fields in all five enumeration areas in the study area of Jamaica viz. Albert Town, Lowe River, Warsop, Comfort Hall and Christiana, where the field data collection work under the project was undertaken by enumerators and supervisors from Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture & Fisheries, Hope Gardens, Kingston 6, Jamaica.
S.No | Publication | NAAS Rating |
1. | Adikary, T. and Das, P. (2022). Conventional and biotechnological approaches for enhancing shelf-life of horticultural crops. Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 10.18805/BKAP398. | N.A. |
2. | Bana, R.S., Grover, M., Kumar, V., Jat, G.S., Kuri, B.R., Singh, D., Kumar, H. and Bamboriya, S.D. (2022). Multi-micronutrient foliar fertilization in eggplant under diverse fertility scenarios: effects on productivity, nutrient biofortification and soil microbial activity. Scientia Horticulturae, 294. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110781. | 9.46 |
3. | Banerjee, R., Jaggi, S., Bhowmik, A., Varghese, E., Varghese, C. and Datta, A. (2022). Cost friendly Experimental Designs for Product Mixtures in Agricultural Research, Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, 17(1), 129-133. | 5.67 |
4. | Das, P., Jha, G.K. and Lama, A. (2022). An improved cointegration based time delay neural network model for price forecasting. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 75(3), 187-192. http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/72361. | 5.51 |
5. | Das, P., Jha, G.K., Lama, A. and Bharti. (2022). “EMD-SVR” hybrid machine learning model and its application in agricultural price forecasting. Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, 10.18805/BKAP385. http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/71621. | N.A. |
6. | Dev, I., Singh, R., Garg, K.K., Ram, A., Singh, D., Kumar, N., Dhyani, S.K., Singh, A., Anantha, K.H., Akuraju, V., Dixit, S., Tewari, R.K., Dwivedi, R.P. and Arunachalam, A. (2022). Transforming livestock productivity through watershed interventions: a case study of Parasai-Sindh watershed in Bundelkhand region of Central India. Agricultural Systems, 196. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103346 | 11.37 |
7. | Devi, S., Sharma, P.K., Behera, T.K., Jaiswal, S., Boopalakrishnan, G., Kumari, K., Mandal, N.K., Iquebal, M.A., Gopala, K.S., Bharti, Ghosal, C., Munshi, A.D. and Dey, S.S. (2022). Identification of a major QTL, Parth6.1 associated with parthenocarpic fruit development in slicing cucumber genotype, Pusa Parthenocarpic Cucumber-6. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10.3389/fpls.2022.1064556 | 11.75 |
8. | Godara, S., Toshniwal, D., Parsad, R., Bana, R.S., Singh, D., Bedi, J., Jhajhria, A., Dabas, J.P.S. and Marwaha, S. (2022). AgriMine: a deep learning integrated Spatio-temporal analytics framework for diagnosing nationwide agricultural issues using farmers’ helpline data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 201, 107308. | 11.57 |
9. | Gora, J.S., Kumar, R., Sharma, B.D., Ram, C., Berwal, M.K., Singh, D., Bana, R.S. and Kumar, P. (2022). Performance evaluation of Fremont mandarin on different rootstocks under the hot arid environment of India. South African Journal of Botany, 144, 124-133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2021.08.037 | 8.32 |
10. | Kumar, D., Bhardwaj, D. R., Sharma, P., Bharti, Sankhyan, N., Al Ansari, N., Nguyen, T.T.L. (2022). Population dynamics of Juniperus macropoda Bossier forest ecosystem in relation to soil physico-chemical characteristics in the cold desert of north-western Himalaya. Forests, 13, 1624. https://doi.org/10.3390/f13101624. | 8.63 |
11. | Parihar, A.K., Gupta, S., Hazra, K.K, Lamichaney, A., Gupta, D.S., Singh, D., Kumar, R., Singh, A.K., Vaishnavi, R., Muniyandi, S.J., Das, S.P., Sharma, J.D., Yadav, R.K., Jamwal, B.S., Choudhary, B.R., Khedar, O.P., Prakash, V., Dikshit, H.K., Panwar, R.K., Kumar, M., Kumar, P., Mahto, C.S., Borah, H.K., Singh, M.N., Das, A., Patil, A.N., Nanda, H.C., Kumar, V., Rajput, S.S., Chauhan, D.A., Patel, M.H., Kanwar, R., Kumar, J., Mishra, S.P., Kumar, H., Swarup, I., Mogali, S.C., Kumaresan, D., Manivannan N., Byregowda, M., Muthaiyan, P., Rao, P.J.M., Shivani, D., Prusti, A.M., Mahadevu, P., Iyanar, K. and Das, S. (2022). Multi-location evaluation of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) in Indian climates: eco-phenological dynamics, yield relation and characterization of locations. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10.3389/fpls.2022.984912. http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/74692. | 11.75 |
12. | Paul, N.C., Rai, A., Ahmad, T., Biswas, A. and Sahoo, P.M. (2022). Bootstrap variance estimation of spatially integrated estimator of finite population total in presence of missing observations, Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, 17(3), 1039-1048. | 5.67 |
13. | Sood, Y., Mahajan, P.K., Bharti and Sharma, K.R. (2022). Studies on resin yield and growth characteristics of Pinus roxburghii in Himachal Pradesh, The Indian Forester, 148(12), 1223-1226.10.36808/if/2022/v148i12/157245 | 5.10 |
S.No | Publication | NAAS Rating |
1. | Ahmad, T., Rai, A., Sahoo, P.M., Jha, S.N. and Vishwakarma, R.K. (2021). Sampling methodology for estimation of harvest and post-harvest losses of major crops and commodities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 75(1), 37-46. | 5.51 |
2. | Banerjee, R., Das, P., Bharti, Ahmad, T. and Kumar, M. (2021). Modeling and forecasting of agricultural commodity production under changing climatic condition, Bharatiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika.
10.18305/BKAP362 http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/69871 |
N.A. |
3. | Banerjee, R., Jaggi, S., Varghese, E., Bhowmik, A., Datta, A. and Varghese, C. (2021). Construction of saturated designs for mixture experiments. Bharatiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika.
10.18805/BKAP266, https://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/45372 |
N.A. |
4. | Begum, S. and Banerjee, R. (2021). Next generation sequencing data analysis and its application in agriculture. Bharatiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, 36(1), 25-28.
10.18805/BKAP 265, |
N.A. |
5. | Bhardwaj, D.R., Tahiry, H., Sharma, P., Pala, N., Kumar, D., Kumar, A. and Bharti (2021). Influence of aspect and elevational gradient on vegetation pattern, tree characteristics and ecosystem carbon density in Northwestern Himalayas. Land, 10(11), 1109.
http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/land10111109, http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/71188 |
9.40 |
6. | Biswas, A., Kumar, R., Singh, D. and Basak, P. (2021). Calibration estimator of finite population mean using auxiliary information under adaptive cluster sampling. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 75(1), 47-53. | 5.51 |
7. | Chandra, H. (2021). District-level estimates of poverty incidence for the state of West Bengal in India: application of small area estimation technique combining NSSO survey and census data. Journal of Quantitative Economics.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s40953-020-00226-8., https://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/46420 |
N.A. |
9. | Gautam, A., Kumar, M. and Kumar, R. (2021). Treatment of periodontal disease using xanthan based chlorhexidine gel, Bioinformation, 17 (2), 326-330. http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/69774 | N.A. |
10. | Guha, S. and Chandra, H. (2021). Improved estimation of finite population mean in two-phase sampling with subsampling of the non-respondents. Mathematical Population Studies. 28(1), 24–44. | N.A. |
11. | Kumar, R., Rai, A., Ahmad, T., Biswas, A. and Moury, P.K. (2021). Rescaling bootstrap technique for variance estimation in dual frame surveys. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 75(2), 117–125. http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/69729 | 5.51 |
12. | Kumar, K.R., Dashora, K., Krishnan, N., Sanyal, S., Chandra, H., Dharmaraja, S. And Kumari, V. (2021). Feasibility assessment of renewable energy resources for tea plantation and industry in India – a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 145, 111083. | 20.00 |
13. | Kumar, R. and Bhar, L.M. (2021). Procedure for the identification of multiple influential observations in block design for incomplete multi-response experiments in presence of masking. Communication in Statistics- Simulation and Computation. 10.1080/036 10918.2021.1 900246, http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/46355 | 7.12 |
14. | Raj, C., Singh, S., Kalita, H., Avasthe, R.K., Gopi, R., Singh, M., Kapoor, C., Kumar, R. and Singh, N.J. (2021). Prevalence of insect pests in large cardamom (Amomum subulatum Roxb.) and evaluation of bio-rationals for the management of major pests under organic agro-ecosystem of Sikkim: Bio-rationals for the management of major pests of large cardamom. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 30(1), 42-49.
https://doi.org/10.25081/josac.2021.v30.i1.6665, http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/69761 |
5.11 |
15. | Roy, A., Banerjee, R. and Pratibha (2021). Effect of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) germplasms on the morphological characters under terai conditions of Uttarakhand, Bharatiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, 36(3), 186-191. 10.18805/BKAP354, | N.A. |
16. | Shree, S., Sharma, R.R., Rudra, S.G., Grover, M. Singh, D. and Kumar, R. (2021). Edible coatings and plant extract influence decay and biochemical attributes of nectarines, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(2), 240–243. http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/69793 | N.A. |
17. | Singh, D. and Yadav, R. (2021). A modified three parameters family of estimators for population mean in sample surveys. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 17(1), 2027-2032. | 4.92 |
18. | Srivastava, S., Chandra, H., Singh, S. and Upadhyay, A.K. (2021). District level estimates of childhood under nutrition using small area estimation technique. SSM – Population Health. | N.A. |
19. | Varshney, N., Ahmad, T., Rai, A., Biswas, A. and Sahoo, P.M. (2021). Prediction approach estimator using auxiliary information under two-phase sampling. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 17(2), 733-739. | 4.92 |
20. | Vinaykumar, L.N., Ahmad, T., Rai, A. and Biswas, A. (2021). Rescaling bootstrap variance estimation of level-0 ranked set sampling under finite population framework. Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 75(3), 203–211. | 5.51 |
S.No. | Publication | NAAS Rating |
1. | Aditya, K., Chandra, H., Basak, P., Kumari, V. and Das, S. (2020). District level major crop yield estimation using reduced number of crop cutting experiments. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 90(6), 1185-89. http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/46426 | 6.37 |
2. | Ahmad, T., Sud, U.C., Rai, A., and Sahoo, P.M. (2020). An alternative sampling methodology for estimation of cotton yield using double sampling approach. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 74(3), 217-226. | 5.51 |
3. | Anjoy, P., Chandra, H. and Aditya, K. (2020). Spatial hierarchical Bayes small area model for disaggregated level crop acreage estimation. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 90(9), 1780-85. | 6.37 |
4. | Bana, R.S., Singh, D., Nain, M.N., Kumar, H., Kumar, V. and Sepat, S. (2020). Weed control and rice yield stability studies across diverse tillage and crop establishment systems under on-farm environments. Soil & Tillage Research. 204, Elsevier
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2020.104729. http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/47296 |
11.37 |
5. | Banerjee, R. and Gurung, B. (2020). Dynamics of area substitution of edible oilseeds in India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 9(6), 598-603.
https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2020.906.077. http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/44530 |
N.A. |
6. | Banerjee, R., Chattopadhyay, D., and Khan, Z..M.S. (2020). prediction of cocoon shell weight of Tasar (Antheraea mylitta Drury) silkworm using LASSO regression. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 9(6), 2656-2660.
https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2020.906.323 http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/44581 |
N.A. |
7. | Banerjee, R., Sheoran, S., Kumar, S., Sanodiya, R., Dhanya, V.G. and Samota, M.K. (2020). Participatory rural appraisal techniques for problem identification and formulation of village agricultural development plan of chosla village. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 38(9), 80-99.
https://doi.org/10.9734/ajaees/2020/v38i930410 http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/44339 |
4.86 |
8. | Das, B., Sahoo, R.N., Biswas, A., Pargal, S., Krishna, G., Verma, R., Chinnusamy, V., Sehgal, V.K. and Gupta, V.K. (2020). Discrimination of rice genotypes using field spectroradiometry, Geocarto International, 35(1), 64-77. 10.1080/10106049.2018.1506507 | 10.89 |
9. | Barman, S., Basak, P. and Chandra, H. (2020). Prediction of finite population total for geo-referenced data. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 74(3), 195-200. | 5.51 |
10. | Bishnoi, D.K., Malik, D.P., Kumar, N., Bhatia, J.K. and Singh, D. (2020). Climate change effect on productivity of major crops in western Haryana. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 16, 512-515. | 5.15 |
11. | Biswas, A., Aditya, K., Sud, U.C. and Basak, P. (2020). Product type calibration estimator of finite population total under two stage sampling. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 74(1), 23-32. | 5.51 |
12. | Biswas, A., Rai, A. and Ahmad, T. (2020). Rescaling bootstrap technique for variance estimation for ranked set samples in finite population. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 49(10), 2704-2718. https://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/36104 | 7.12 |
13. | Biswas, A., Rai, A. and Ahmad, T. (2020). Spatial bootstrap variance estimation method for missing survey data. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 74(3), 227-236. | 5.51 |
14. | Biswas, A., Rai, A., Ahmad, T. and Sahoo, P.M. (2020). Rescaled spatial bootstrap variance estimation of spatial estimator of finite population parameters under ranked set sampling. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 74(2), 137–147. | 5.51 |
15. | Bohra, A., Jha, R., Lamichaney, A., Singh, D., Jha, U.C., Satheesh Naik, S.J., Datta, D., Maurya, A.K., Tiwari, A., Yadav, V., Singh, F., Singh, I.P. and Singh, N.P. (2020). Mapping QTL for important seed traits in an interspecific F2 population of pigeonpea. 3 Biotech.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-020-02423-x http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/47295 |
8.41 |
16. | Chouhan, S.K.K., Kumar, V., Singh, M., Singh, D. and Singh, S. (2019). Impact of self-help groups on generation of income and employment. Agro Economist – An International Journal. 6(2), 71-74. | 4.58 |
17. | Chandra, H., Aditya, K., Gupta, S., Guha, S. and Verma, B. (2020). Food and nutrition in Indo Gangetic plain region -a disaggregate level analysis. Current Science, 119 (11), 1783-1788. | 7.10 |
18. | Moury, P.K., Ahmad, T., Rai, A., Biswas, A. and Sahoo, P.M. (2020). Outlier robust finite population estimation under spatial non-stationarity. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 16(2), 535-545. https://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/47292 | 4.92 |
19. | Sharma, R.R., Nagaraja, A., Goswami, A.K., Thakre, M., Kumar, R. and Varghese, E. (2020). Influence of on-the-tree fruit bagging on biotic stresses and postharvest quality of rainy-season crop of ‘Allahabad Safeda’ guava (Psidium guajava L.). Crop Protection, 135, 105216. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2020.105216 http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/46383 | 8.57 |
20. | Das, S., Bhattacharyya, R., Das, T.K., Sharma, A.R., Dwivedi, B.S., Meena, M.C., Dey, A., Biswas, S., Aditya, K., Aggarwal, P., Biswas, A.K. and Chaudhari, S.K. (2020). Soil quality indices in a conservation agriculture based rice-mustard cropping system in North-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. Soil and Tillage Research, 208, Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2020.104914. | 11.37 |
21. | Singh, B., Das, A., Parihar, A.K., Bhagwati, B., Singh, D., Pathak, K.N., Dwivedi, K., Niranjan, D., Keshari, N., Midha, R.L., Kumar, R., Pratap, A., Kumar, V., and Gupta, S. (2020). Delineation of genotype-by- environment interactions for identification and validation of resistant genotypes in mungbean to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) using GGE biplot. Scientific Reports (Nature research), 10, 4108.
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60820-x. http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/46356 |
10.38 |
22. | Udgata, A.R., Sahoo, P.M., Ahmad, T., Rai, A. and Gopal, K. (2020). Remote sensing and machine learning techniques for acreage estimation of mango (Mangifera indica). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 90(3), 551–555.
https://krishi.icar.gov.in/ohs-2.3.1/index.php/record/view/629454 |
6.37 |
23. | Udgata, A.R., Sahoo, P.M., Ahmad, T., Rai, A., Biswas, A. and Krishna, G. (2020). Integration of survey data and satellite data for acreage estimation of mango (Mangifera indica). Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 74(3), 237-242. | 5.51 |
24. | Vishwakarama, R.K., Jha, S.N., Dixit, A., Rai, A. and Ahmad, T. (2020). Estimation of harvest and post-harvest losses of cereals and effect of mechanization in different agro-climatic zones of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75(3), 317–336. | 9.58 |
- Das, S., Chandra, H., and Saha, U.R. (2019). District Level Prevalence of Diarrhea Disease among Under-five Children in Bangladesh: An Application of Small Area Estimation Approach. PLoS ONE. 14(2): e0211062.
- Krishna, G., Sahoo, R.N., Singh, P., Bajpai, V., Patra, H., Kumar, S., Dandapani, R., Gupta, V.K., Viswanathan, C., Ahmad, T. and Sahoo, P.M. (2019). Comparison of various modelling approaches for water deficit stress monitoring in rice crop through hyperspectral remote sensing, Agricultural Water Management, 213, 231-244. Available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2018.08.029
- Chandra, H., Gupta, S. and Shreyaskar, P.K.P. (2019). Disparity in Rural Poverty in Indo-Gangetic Plain in India: A Disaggregate Level Analysis. Statistics and Application, The special A.K. Nigam felicitation issue, The Society of Statistics, Computer and Application. 17(1), page 181–194.
- Gupta, V.K. and Chandra, H. (2019). Statistics and Application. Edited (Special issue Special Issue to felicitate Professor Arun Nigam on his 75th birthday). Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications New Delhi, Volume 17(1). ISSN 2454-7395. Total pages 269 and 19 papers.
- Gautam, A., Kumar, R. and Jain, S. (2019). Prevalence of gingival inflammation among pregnant women attending the Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College and Hospital, Gaya Bihar India. International Journal of Medical and Health Research, 5(6), 47-49.
- Das, A., Gupta, S., Parihar, A.K., Saxena, D., Singh, D., Singha, K.D., Kushwaha. K.P.S., Chand, R, Bal, R.S. and Chandra S. Deciphering genotype-by-environment interaction for targeting test environments and rust resistant genotypes in field pea (Pisum sativum L.). doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00825.
- Chowdhary, D., Bharadwaj, A. , Sehgal, V.K., Kumar, M., Sudeep, Biswas, A., Parsad, R. and Verma, R. (2019) Development of Mega-Environment for Maize in India using GIS approach. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 73(1), 79–86.
- Singh, D., Kumar, R., Yadav, S.K., Roy, H.S., Biswas, A. and R. S. Shekhawat. (2019). A study on problems of major pulses producers and their solutions in India. Bhartiya Krishi Anushandhan Patrika, 34(2), 92-98. DOI: 18805/BKAP162.
- Kumari, V., Aditya, K., Chandra, H. and Kumar, A. (2019). Bayesian Discriminant Function Analysis Based Forecasting of Crop Yield in Kanpur District of Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Agrometeorology. 21(4), page 462-467. (NAAS Rating: 6.56).
- Aditya, K, Chandra, H, Kumar, S, Nayak, N and Das, S (2019). Mobile Assisted Personal Interview Software-Development and Experiences from Implementation in Crop Estimation Survey in India. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 73(3), 257-263.
- Chandra, H., Salvati, N. and Chambers, R. (2018). Small area estimation under a spatially non-linear model. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 126, 19–38.
- Basak, P, Sud, UC, and Chandra, H (2018). Calibration Estimation of Regression Coefficient for Two-stage Sampling Design using Single Auxiliary Variable. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 72 (1), 1-6.
- Aditya, K; Chandra, H; Bhardwaj, A and Dahiya, R (2018). “Development of Software for Digitization of Collected Data under a Pilot Study to Estimate Crop Area and Production based on the Sample Sizes Recommended by Professor Vaidyanathan Committee Report”, Journal of the ISAS, 72(1), pp15-26 .
- Chandra, H., Aditya, K. and Sud, U.C. (2018). Localised Estimates and Spatial Mapping of Poverty Incidence in the State of Bihar in India-An Application of Small Area Estimation Techniques. PLOS ONE. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0198502
- Islam, S., Chandra, H., Aditya, K. and LAL, S.B. (2018). Small area estimation from a spatial model using data from two surveys. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 14(1), 231-237.
- Dasgupta, P., Ahmad, T., Biswas, A. and Rai, A. (2018). A dual frame approach for estimating finite population total using ranked set sampling. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 14(1), 409-418.
- Chandra, H. (2018). Localised Estimates of Incidence of Indebtedness in Rural Households by Combining Survey and Census Data- An Application of Small Area Estimation Technique. Agricultural Economics Research Review. 31(1), page 29-44.
- Das, S., Chandra, H. and Chambers, R. (2018). Robust Mean Squared Error Estimation for the ELL based Poverty Estimates under Heteroskedasticity – An Application to Poverty Estimation in Bangladesh. Statistics and Applications. 16 (1) (New Series), 375‒397.
- Chandra, H., Aditya, K. and Kumar, S. (2018). Small Area Estimation under a Log Transformed Area Level Model. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. 12(3), 497-505.
- Das, B; Sahoo, R.N.; Biswas, A; Pargal, S; Krishna, G; Verma, R; Chinnusamy, V; Sehgal, V K. and Gupta, V K. (2018). Discrimination of rice genotypes using field spectroradiometry, Geocarto International, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2018.1506507
- Biswas, A., Rai, A. and Ahmad, T. (2018). Rescaling Bootstrap Technique for Variance Estimation for Ranked Set Samples in Finite Population. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2018.1527349
- Parihar, A.K., A.J., Basandrai, A.K., Kushwaha, K.P.S., Chandra, S., Singha, K.D., Bal, R.S., Saxena, D., Singh, D. and Gupta, S. (2018). Targeting test environments and rust-resistant genotypes in lentils (Lens culinaris) by using heritability-adjusted biplot analysis. Crop & Pasture Science, 69, 1113–1125.https://doi.org/10.1071/CP18259.
- Sharma, S.R., Parihar, A.K., Singh, D., Varshney, N., Lal, C., Sharma, V. and Khedar, O.P. (2018). Genetic components and traits relationship in a panel of Black gram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] diverse genotypes. Journal of Food Legumes 31(1): 10-14.
- Anjoy, P., Chandra, H. and Basak, P. (2018). Estimation of Disaggregate-Level Poverty Incidence in Odisha Under Area-Level Hierarchical Bayes Small Area Model. Social Indicators Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-018-2050-9.
- Paul, Nobin Chandra; Sahoo, Prachi Misra; Sahoo, RN; Das, Bappa; Biswas, Ankur; Krishna, Gopal; Rai, Anil and Ahmad, Tauqueer. (2018). Comparative Evaluation between Multispectral and Hyperspectral Data for Discrimination of Fruit Crops using Statistical Techniques. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 72(3), 187-191.
- Basak, P, Sud, UC, and Chandra, H (2017).Calibration Estimation of Regression Coefficient for Two-stage Sampling Design. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics,71 (1), 1-6.
- Kumar, S., Sisodia, B. V. S., Kumar, S., Singh, D. and Basak, P. (2017). On various approaches for estimating finite population total in survey sampling under ratio super population model. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 13(2), 677-682.
- Kumar, S., Sisodia, B. V. S., Singh, D. and Basak, P. (2017). Calibration approach based estimation of finite population total in survey sampling under super population model when study variable and auxiliary variable are inversely related. Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, 10(2), 83-93.
- Chandra, H., Kumar, S. and Aditya, K. (2017).Small Area Estimation of Proportions with Different Levels of Auxiliary Data. Biometrical Journal. In Press.
- Biswas, Ankur, Rai, Anil, Ahmad, Tauqueer and Sahoo, Prachi Misra (2017). Spatial estimation and rescaled spatial bootstrap approach for finite population.
Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 46(1), 373–388. http://doi.org/10.1080/03610926.2014.995820
- Aditya, K, Sud, UC, Chandra, H and Biswas, A (2016). Calibration Based Regression Type Estimator of the Population Total under Two Stage Sampling Design. JISAS, 70(1), pp.19-24.
- Aditya, K (2016). Estimation of domain mean using two stage sampling in the presence of non-response. IJRSS, 6 (5).
- Aditya, K, Sud, UC, and Chandra, H (2016). Calibration Approach Based Estimation Of Finite Population Total Under Two Stage Sampling. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, Volume 70, No. 3, December 2016, pp. 219-226.
- Das, S, Aditya, K and Singh, M (2016).Evaluation of Rhizobium Efficency in chickpea through boron management. Bharatiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, 31(3), 181-186, 2016.
- Aditya, K and Chandra, H (2016). Estimation of Crop Area and Yield at State and National level based on reduced sample sizes. Samikshya, Volume 10, pp. 6-11.
- Aditya, K, Biswas, A, Gupta, A K and Chandra, H (2016).District Level Crop Yield Estimation Using Calibration Approach. Current Science, 112(9), pp:1927-1931.
- Kumari, V., Agrawal, R. and Kumar, A. (2016).”Use of ordinal logistic regression in crop yield forecasting” Mausam, 67(4), 913-918.
- Basak, P, Sud, UC, and Chandra, H (2016).Calibration Approach Based Estimator of Finite Population Regression Coefficient under Two-stage Sampling Design. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 12(2),415-422.
- Kumar, R and Bhar, L. M. (2016). Outliers in incomplete multi response experiments. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(22), 10426-10445.
- Biswas, Ankur, Rai, Anil, Ahmad, Tauqueer and Sahoo, Prachi Misra (2015).Spatial estimation approach under ranked set sampling from spatial correlated finite population. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 11(2), 551-558.
- Sud, UC, Aditya, K and Chandra, H (2014).District Level Crop Yield Estimation under Spatial Small Area Model.J. Ind. Soc. Agril. Statist.,69(1), pp. 49-56
- Aditya, K, Sud, UC and Chandra, H (2014).Estimation of domain mean using two stage sampling with sub-sampling of non-respondents.J. Ind. Soc. Agril. Statist., 68(1), 39-54.
- Sahoo, R.N., Biswas, A., Singh, G.P., Gupta, V.K. and Singh, R. on “Wheat genotypes discrimination through Hyperspectral Remote Sensing”. ICAR News, New Initiatives Section, 20 (1), January-March, 2014, pp-5.
- Kumari, V. and Kumar, A. (2014).Forecasting of wheat (Triticumaestivum) yield using ordinal logistic regression. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84, (6): 691–4.
- Basak, P, Chandra, H, Sud, UC and Lal, S. B. (2014).Prediction of Population Total for Skewed Variable under a Log Transform Model. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences, 9(2), 143-154.
- Basak, P, Chandra, H, and Sud, UC (2014).Estimation of Finite Population Total for Skewed Data. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 68(3), 333-341.
- Biswas, A, Ahmad, T and Rai, A (2013). Variance Estimation Using Jackknife Method In Ranked Set Sampling Under Finite Population Framework. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 67(3), 345-353.
- Agrawal, R, Chandrahas and Aditya, K (2012).Use of discriminant function analysis for forecasting crop yield”.Mausam, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 455-458.
- Aditya, K., Sud, U.C. and Chandra, H (2012).Estimation of domain total for unknown domain size in the presence of nonresponse. Statistics and Applications, 10, Nos.1 & 2, pp. 13-25.
Software for Survey Data Analysis (SSDA 1.0)
Web based Software for Survey Data Analysis (SSDA 2.0)
Pilot Study on Cost of Production of Coconut in Kerala
Study to Develop an Alternative Methodology for Estimation of Cotton Production
Study to Investigate the Causes of Variation between Official and Trade Estimates of Cotton Production
Mobile Assisted Personal Interview version 1(MAPI ver. 1)
Data Entry Software for estimation of harvest and post harvest losses of crop/commodities
1) International
S.N. | Name of the Training | Duration | Target group |
1 | International Training Programme on Techniques of Estimation of Output of Food Crops | 08 Nov-21 Dec, 1989; 18 Feb-30 Mar, 1991; 03 Feb-12 Mar, 1992, 06 Feb-20 Mar, 1993; 18 Oct-01 Dec, 1994; 26 Feb-10 Apr, 1996 | Participants from Afro-Asian Countries |
2 | Commonwealth Training Programme on Agricultural Sample Surveys, crop Yield Modelling and Computer Programming | 17 Mar-30 Apr, 1992 | Participants from Commonwealth Countries |
3 | Remote Sensing and GIS Applications (Course Co-ordinator Dr Randhir Singh, Asstt. Course Co-ordinator Dr Anil Rai) | 11-21 Jan, 1999 | Officials from Nigerian Government |
4 | Training Programme/Study Tour (Funded by FAO) (Course Director Dr HVL Bathla,Associate Course Director Dr KK Tyagi) | 13-27 Apr, 2001 | Participants from Eritrea, Asmara |
5 | Workshop on Economic Accounts for Agriculture" jointly conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and the United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) (Course Director Dr HVL Bathla) | 10-15 Dec, 2001 | Participants from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India |
6 | An International study tour/Training Programme on "Development of Agricultural Statistics System- sponsored by Food & Agriculture Organisation. (Course Director Dr HVL Bathla) | 06-11 Mar, 2006 | Participants from Timor Leste |
7 | International Training Programme for Malaysian Delegates. | 01-05 Aug, 2006 | Malaysian Delegates |
8 | A Study Visit for the International Participants from Afghanistan sponsored by FAO (Course Director Dr HVL Bathla) | 10 29 December, 2007 | Afghanistan nationals |
9 | Study Visit on Indian Agricultural Statistics System for Afghanistan nationals sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (Course Director Dr HVL Bathla) | 03-17 Nov, 2008 | Afghanistan nationals |
10 | An International training programme on Agricultural Statistics System in India, funded by Central Statistical Organization (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOS&PI), Govt. of India (GOI). (Course Director Dr UC Sud, Co-Course Director Dr KK Tyagi) | 31 May-11 Jun, 2010 | Officials of SAARC countries |
11 | An International training programme on Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agricultural Surveys (Course Director - Dr PrachiMisraSahoo, Course Coordinator - Dr Tauqueer Ahmad) | 09-23 Sep, 2011 | Officers of Census and Statistics Department Colombo, Srilanka |
12 | Assisted in organizing one week module of an International training programme on Sampling Techniques and Survey Methods organized by National Academy of Statistical Administration (NASA), MOS & PI, GOI at IASRI, New Delhi | 03-08 Oct, 2011 | Officers of Srilanka Government |
13 | An International training programme on Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agricultural Surveys, sponsored by Afro Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) (Course Director - Dr PrachiMisraSahoo, Co-Course Directors - Dr KN Singh and Dr Tauqueer Ahmad) | 18 Jan-07 Feb, 2012 | Afro-Asian Rural Development Organizations (AARDO) member countries |
14 | An International Training programme on Techniques of Estimation and Forecasting of Crop Production in India, funded by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (Course Director - Dr UC Sud, Co-Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra) | 23 May to 02 Jun, 2012 | Officials of the Ethiopian Central Statistical Agency |
15 | An International training programme on Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agricultural Surveys for African -Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) (Course Director - Dr.PrachiMisraSahoo, Course Coordinator - Dr.Tauqueer Ahmad) | 24 Jan13 Feb, 2013 | Afro-Asian Rural Development Organizations (AARDO) member countries |
16 | Study visit on "Agricultural statistics system and food security policy analysis in India" under the Project Strengthening Food and Agriculture Information System funded by UNDP. (Course Director - Dr. UC Sud, Course Coordinator - Dr.Tauqueer Ahmad) | 04 - 08 Feb, 2013 | Officials of DPR Korea |
17 | International training programme on Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agricultural Surveys sponsored by African- Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) (Course Director - Dr.PrachiMisraSahoo, Course Coordinator - Dr.Tauqueer Ahmad) | 12 Feb -04 Mar, 2015 | Afro-Asian Rural Development Organizations (AARDO) member countries |
18 | International training programme on "Use of Models in Crop Yield Estimation (Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra, Co-Course Director - ShRaju Kumar) | 02-06 Nov, 2015 | Officers from SAARC countries funded by National Statistical System Training Academy (NSSTA), Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Government of India, New Delhi |
19 | International training programme on Sampling Methodology, Field Organisation and Data Quality (Course Director - Dr.Tauqueer Ahmad, Co-Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra) | April 17-21, 2017 | Officials of Central Statistical Agency (CSA), Ethiopia. |
20 | International training programme on Sampling Methodology, Field Organisation and Data Quality (Course Director - Dr.Tauqueer Ahmad, Co-Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra) | May 01-05, 2017 | Officials of Central Statistical Agency (CSA), Ethiopia. |
21 | International training programme on Recent Advances in Agricultural Surveys: Remote Sensing and GIS Applications sponsored by African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) (Programme Director Dr PrachiMisraSahoo) | 22 Nov 12 Dec, 2017 | African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) member countries |
22 | International training programme on “Recent Advances in Agricultural Surveys: Remote Sensing and GIS Applications” sponsored by African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) (Programme Director - Dr Prachi Misra Sahoo, Course Coordinators - Dr Tauqueer Ahmad and Ankur Biswas) | 11-31 March, 2019 | African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO), New Delhi |
2) National
S.N. | Name of the Training | Duration | Target group |
1 | Models in Survey Sampling | 20-24 Dec, 1993 | Associate/Asstt. Professor from SAUs/Scientists from ICAR Institutes |
2 | Modern Sampling Techniques (Course Director - Dr AK Srivastava, Associate Course Director Dr HVL Bathla) | 13-17 Oct, 1997 | Senior/Middle level ISS Officers from CSO/NSSO |
3 | CAS Training programme on Recent Advances in Survey Sampling in Relation to Agriculture (Course Director - Dr AK Srivastava) | 08-22 Jun, 1998 | Associate/Asstt. Professor from SAUs/Scientists from ICAR Institutes |
4 | Recent Advances in the Analysis of Survey Data (Course Director - Dr AK Srivastava, Associate Course Director Dr KK Tyagi) | 24-29 Aug, 1998 | Senior/Middle level ISS Officers from CSO/NSSO |
5 | Methodological Aspects in Sample Surveys (Course Director Dr HVL Bathla, Associate Course Director Dr BC Saxena) | 08-13 Mar, 1999 | Senior/Middle level ISS Officers from CSO/NSSO |
6 | Small Area Estimation-Theory and Applications (Course Director - Dr AK Srivastava, Associate Course Director Dr UC Sud) | 22-27 Mar, 1999 | Senior/Middle level ISS Officers from CSO/NSSO |
7 | Qualitative Aspects in Collection and Analysis of Survey Data (Dr Randhir Singh) | 09-14 Aug, 1999 | Senior/Middle level ISS Officers from CSO/NSSO |
8 | Winter School on "Recent Developments in Survey Sampling in Relation to Agricultural Research" (Course Director Dr AK Srivastava, Co-Course Director Dr KK Tyagi) | 14 Sep04 Oct, 1999 | Associate/ Asstt. Professors from SAUs/ Scientists from ICAR Institutes |
9 | Computer Intensive Techniques in Agricultural Surveys (Course Director Dr Randhir Singh, Co-Course Director Dr Anil Rai) | 20 Jan04 Feb, 2000 | Associate/ Asstt. Professors from SAUs/ Scientists from ICAR Institutes |
10 | Recent Advances in the Analysis of Survey Data (Course Director Dr HVL Bathla, Associate Course Director Dr KK Tyagi) | 06-26 Feb, 2001 | Scientists / Faculty Members of National Agricultural Research System |
11 | Sample Surveys related to the estimation of area and production of fruits and vegetables. (Course Director Dr UC Sud) | 22-25 Aug, 2001 | Officials from Department of Horticulture, Govt. of Haryana |
12 | Small Area Estimation Techniques in Agriculture (Course Director Dr UC Sud) | 13-23 May, 2002 | Associate/ Asstt. Professors from SAUs/ Scientists from ICAR Institutes |
13 | Summer school on Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agricultural Statistics (Course Director Dr Randhir Singh) | 06-26 Aug, 2003 | Scientists/Assistant/Associate Professors from ICAR Institutes and State Agricultural Universities |
14 | A winter school on Recent advances in survey sampling with special emphasis on computer intensive data analysis techniques (Course Director Dr UC Sud) | 05-25 Nov, 2003 | Scientists/Assistant/Associate Professors from ICAR Institutes and State Agricultural Universities |
15 | A training programme on Sampling Techniques, Sample Surveys and Methodological Aspects relating to Cost of Cultivation Studies (Course Directors Dr HVL Bathla& Dr KK Tyagi) | 16-21 Aug, 2004 | Senior level Officers of Tariff Commission, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India |
16 | A Winter School on "Sample Survey Techniques in Agricultural Research" (Course Director - Dr K.K. Tyagi) | 11-31 Jan, 2005 | Assistant / Associate Professors from SAUs and Scientists from ICAR Institutes |
17 | A Refresher training programme on Small Area Estimation Techniques sponsored by CSO, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. (Course Director - Dr.Randhir Singh) | 25-30 Jul, 2005 | Indian Statistical Services (ISS) Officers |
18 | A CAS sponsored Training Programme on Recent Advances in the Analysis of Survey Data (Course Director - Dr K.K. Tyagi) | 18 Nov08 Dec, 2005 | Scientists / Asstt. / Assoc. Prof. of various SAUs under National Agricultural Research System |
19 | A training programme on Small Area Estimation Techniques (Course Director - Dr HVL Bathla) | 10-15 Jul, 2006 | Senior level Officers of Tariff Commission, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India |
20 | Summer school on Sample Survey Techniques in Agricultural Research (Dr KK Tyagi - Course Director) | 05 25 Sep, 2006 | Scientists/Assistant/Associate Professors from ICAR Institutes and State Agricultural Universities |
21 | Winter School on Sample Survey Techniques in Agricultural Research (Course Director Dr KK Tyagi) | 16 Jan to 05 Feb, 2008 | Scientists/Assistant/Associate Professors from ICAR Institutes and State Agricultural Universities |
22 | A CAS training programme on Recent advances in sample survey and analysis of survey data (Course Director Dr UC Sud, Co-Course Director Dr Hukum Chandra) | 10 Feb02 Mar, 2009 | Scientists / Asstt. / Assoc. Prof. of various SAUs under National Agricultural Research System |
23 | A refresher training programme on Small Area Estimation sponsored by Central Statistical Organization (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOS&PI), Govt. of India (GOI). (Course Director Dr UC Sud, Co-Course Director Dr Hukum Chandra) | 18 - 22 Jan, 2010 | Indian Statistical Services and other senior officers of States/UTs |
24 | A refresher training course on Research Methodology for Official Statistics sponsored by CSO, MOS&PI, GOI. (Course Director Dr UC Sud, Co-Course Director Dr Tauqueer Ahmad) | 01 06 Feb, 2010 | Indian Statistical Service (ISS) officers and statistical personnel |
25 | A Refresher Training Programme on "Agricultural Statistical System in India" sponsored by MOSPI, GOI. (Course Director Dr KK Tyagi, Co-Course Director DrAK Gupta) | 15-19 Mar, 2010 | Statistical Personnel of States/UTs/PSUs of MOSPI, GOI |
26 | A refresher training programme on Small Area Estimation, funded by CSO, MOS&PI, GOI. (Course Director Dr UC Sud, Co-Course Director Dr Tauqueer Ahmad) | 23-28 Aug, 2010 | In-service ISS officers and senior officers of State Govts./UTs |
27 | A refresher training programme on Agricultural Statistics, funded by CSO, MOS&PI, GOI. (Course Director- Dr UC Sud, Co-Course Directors - Dr KK Tyagi and Dr Tauqueer Ahmad) | 26-30 Sep, 2011 | Officers of Directorate of Economics & Statistics of different States |
28 | CAFT Training Programme on Recent Advances in Sample Survey and analysis of Survey Data using Statistical Softwares (Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra, Co-Course Director - Dr Kaustav Aditya) | 03-23 Oct, 2012 | Scientists of ICAR Institutes/Asstt-Associate Professors of SAUs |
29 | Refresher training programme on Agricultural Statistics (Course Director - Dr KK Tyagi, Co-Course Director - Dr Tauqueer Ahmad) | 30 Oct to 02 Nov, 2012 | Officers from the Department of Agriculture, Government of Andhra Pradesh State |
30 | Refresher Course on Small Area Estimation (Course Director - Dr UC Sud, Co-Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra) | 03 08 Dec, 2012 | In- Service Officers of Indian Statistical Service at IASRI, New Delhi |
31 | Refresher training program on Integrated Sample Survey Methodology (Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra, Co-Course Director - Dr Kaustav Aditya) | 20-24 Jan, 2014 | Participants of Department of Animal husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India |
32 | Refresher training program on Integrated Sample Survey Methodology (Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra, Co-Course Director - Dr Kaustav Aditya) | 03-07 Mar, 2014 | Participants of Department of Animal husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India |
33 | Refresher training program on Statistical techniques (Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra, Co-Course Director - Dr AK Gupta) | 08-12 Sep, 2014 | Participants of Statistical Staff of Livestock Development Department, Govt. of Chhattisgarh |
34 | CAFT programme on "Recent Advances in Survey Design and Analysis of Survey Data Using Statistical Software" Under the aegis of Education Division, ICAR, New Delhi (Course Coordinator - Dr Hukum Chandra, Co-Course Director - Dr Kaustav Aditya) | 28 Oct17 Nov, 2014 | Scientists of ICAR Institutes/Asstt-Associate Professors of SAUs |
35 | Refresher training programme on Integrated Sample Survey Methodology (Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra, Co-Course Director - Dr Kaustav Aditya) | 08-12 Jun, 2015 | Participants of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India |
36 | A refresher training programme on Sample Survey and Sampling Design (Course Director - DrTauqueer Ahmad, Co-Course Director - Dr AnkurBiswas) | 06-10 Jul, 2015 | Officials of the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Department of Planning, Government of Uttar Pradesh |
37 | Training programme on Small Area Estimation Techniques (Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra, Co-Course Director - Dr Kaustav Aditya) | 24-28 Aug, 2015 | Statistical Personnel of the Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES), Department of Planning, Government of Uttar Pradesh |
38 | Training programme on "Crop Cutting Experiments Technique" (Course Director - Dr Tauqueer Ahmad, Co-Course Director - Ms. VanditaKumariChoudhary) | 14-19 Sep, 2015 | Officials of Skymet Weather Services Private Ltd., Noida |
39 | Refresher training programme on "Small Area Estimation Techniques and Applications" funded by National Statistical System Training Academy (NSSTA), Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Government of India, New Delhi (Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra, Co-Course Director - Dr Kaustav Aditya) | 16-20 Nov, 2015 | ISS officers of Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics &Programme Implementation, Government of India |
40 | CAFT programme on "Recent advances in Sample surveys and survey data analysis using statistical software" Under the aegis of Agricultural Education Division, ICAR, New Delhi. (Course Coordinator: Dr Kaustav Aditya, Course Co-coordinator: DrAnkurBiswas) | 01-21 Dec, 2017 | Scientists of ICAR Institutes/Asstt-Associate Professors of SAUs |
41 | Refresher training programme on "Handling Large Scale Data and Data Analysis using R", funded by National Statistical System Training Academy (NSSTA), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govt. of India. (Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra, Co-Course Director - Dr Pradip Basak) | 08-13 October, 2018 | In service Indian Statistical Service officers |
42 | Refresher training programme on "Advanced Sampling Techniques with Practical Examples from NSSO & Health Surveys", funded by National Statistical System Training Academy (NSSTA), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Government of India. (Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra, Co-Course Director –Sh Deepak Singh) | 29 October - 03 November, 2018 | In service Indian Statistical Service officers |
43 | Training programme on "Data Analysis and Interpretation", funded by NSSTA, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Govt. of India. (Course Director - Dr Hukum Chandra, Co-Course Directors - Dr Kaustav Aditya and Dr Pradip Basak) | 13-24 May, 2019 | Indian Statistical Service (ISS) Probationers |
44 | Training programme on “Field Survey, Data Collection, Compilation and Analysis” (Programme Director - Dr Tauqueer Ahmad, Program Coordinators - Dr Prachi Misra Sahoo and Dr Raju Kumar) | 04-08 November, 2019 | Officers from Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun |
45 | Centre of Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT) programme on “Recent Advances in Sample Survey and Data Analysis using Statistical Software” Under the aegis of Education Division, ICAR, New Delhi. (Course Coordinator - Dr Hukum Chandra, Course Co-Coordinators - Dr Kaustav Aditya and Dr Pradip Basak) | 28 November-18 December, 2019 | Scientists of ICAR Institutes/Asstt-Associate Professors of SAUs |
46 | Training programme on “Sampling Techniques for Crop Cutting Experiment (CCE)”. (Course Director - Dr Tauqueer Ahmad, Course Coordinators - Dr Prachi Misra Sahoo and Dr Ankur Biswas). | 06-10 January, 2020 | Officers of Department of Economics and Statistics, Govt. of Meghalaya |